Wind and Snow

We caught only a glancing blow from the latest Snowpocalypse event, with maybe six inches of light, powdery snow. It's difficult to estimate depth, because it's so light and powdery, and very, very windy.

To give you an idea of the local conditions, here's a picture of the thistle-seed feeder hanging outside our front window:


What you see there is a couple of inches worth of snow that blew through the fine screen on the outside of the feeder, and piled up inside. The wind continues to howl 'round the outside of Chateau Steelypips, so while the roads are plenty clear enough for travel, I don't think I'll be going out to do much of anything today...

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... "the roads are plenty clear enough for travel" ...

Sounds like famous last words.

Reminds me of the fire crew in Virginia years ago that kept looking out the window and noted that the streets were clear so they stayed on-call thinking travel wouldn't be an issue. Then a minor call came in and they mounted up the fire engine and roared out. Where the engine slid down the driveway, across the street sideways and into a swale on the other side. Where it sat and spun. The 'clear roads', for miles around, were encased in a solid inch of glare ice.

The call went out that the firehouse wasn't going to make that call, or any other, for a time.

... "I don't think I'll be going out to do much of anything today..."

You are a very wise man.

Apologies for my obvious immaturity, but my first association was that the picture looks positively phallic! :)

By Anonymous (not verified) on 27 Dec 2010 #permalink