Links for 2011-03-31

  • "So you're an American employee. Maybe you make car parts. Maybe you're an engineer or designer. Maybe you're an accountant, store clerk or tradesman. Whatever you do, you're probably stupid or lazy. Yes, I wrote it, and I mean it. You are either stupid or lazy. Maybe both.

    Now, I'm not referring to your work ethic or job performance. No, most of you are competent and devoted to your profession or vocation. I'm addressing the way you view economics and employment. I'm challenging your gumption to advocate for yourself and your fellow Americans. "


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This writer has a point. As usual, a good catch for here. However, the main and somewhat ironic problem in e.g. the 2010 elections wasn't really apathy, it seems to have been excessive progressive perfectionism and zeal that led many of them to stay home because they thought (with some cause) that the Democrats weren't being liberal enough!