Undergraduate Institutions at DAMOP Reception

One of the many things I've been occupied with the last few weeks has been arranging a reception at next week's Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP) meeting. I was late in asking about the possibilities for this, so it won't make it to the printed program, which means I need to advertise by word of mouth. So:

What: An informal reception for people attending the DAMOP meeting who are associated with undergraduate institutions (i.e., small colleges, or non-Ph.D. granting universities), or thinking about pursuing a position at an undergraduate institution.

Why: Over the last several years, I have had numerous conversations with other faculty from small colleges who I see at DAMOP every year, along the lines of "Wow, there are a whole bunch of people who come to this meeting from small colleges. We should totally do some sort of get-together." After alst year's meeting, I sent around some emails, and put together an informal group of people. One of the suggestions for something to do was to have an informal reception/ information session sort of thing, and the powers that be in DAMOP graciously agreed to pay for it, so...

When:Wednesday, June 15th, 5:30-7:00 pm

Where: Room L508 in the Marriott Marquis Hotel and Conference Center (i.e., the hotel where the meeting is being held)

How What do you mean, "How?" It's a reception-- you show up, have a drink or two (cash bar), eat some food on sticks, and talk to people. If you're faculty at an undergraduate institution, you swap war stories and tips with other people who operate under the same institutional constraints you do. If you're a student or post-doc thinking about applying for a job at an undergraduate institution, you can talk to people who have those sorts of jobs about what to do to maximize your chances of getting such a position, and what to expect when you get it. If you're an alumnus of such an institution, you hang out with folks from a similar background, and maybe chat up your old professors.

So, if you're going to be at the DAMOP meeting in Atlanta, and are looking for something to do Wednesday evening, stop by and say "Hi." It'll be the social event of the meeting. For Wednesday evening, anyway. Unless you're invited to the swanky Phys. Rev. editorial board shindig.

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Sorry I can't make it this year! This is an absolutely fantastic idea.