Links for 2011-07-14

  • As Alan Dershowitz explained last week: "A criminal trial is never about seeking justice for the victim. If it were, there could be only one verdict: guilty. That's because only one person is on trial in a criminal case, and if that one person is acquitted, then by definition there can be no justice for the victim in that trial." If all that sounds cold, lawyerly, and inhuman, that's because the justice system is designed to be all those things. Juries are not driven solely by the bottomless outrage of Nancy Grace. That's what makes them juries. There is nothing much to like about the slick reality show that was the Anthony trial. But that the jury understood the difference between what their guts told them and what the law demanded of them may be called its sole success.

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A reader sent me a link to this blog post about two cases where mothers killed their children, both in Texas, and both convicted by juries. But one mother said that she did it because God told her to and therefore it wasn't wrong; the other said she did it because Satan told her to, but she knew…
The Roman Polanski story has certainly gotten interesting. Well, actually, the story is still only mildly interesting, but the discussion about it has developed in interesting ways. So, I thought I'd muddy the waters by throwing in a few thoughts. This is one of those situations where people…
immlass: You have no privacy. Get over it. "Facebook may be sleazy and selling more of your information than you like to advertisers, but the idea it wants to steal your IP and do something with it seems vanishingly unlikely. I suspect the change in TOS has something to do with protecting their…
The decline of the serial killer. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine Serial killers just aren't the sensation they used to be. They haven't disappeared, of course. Last month, Suffolk County, N.Y., police found the bodies of four women dumped near a beach in Long Island. Philadelphia police…

""A criminal trial is never about seeking justice for the victim. If it were, there could be only one verdict: guilty."
Huh? What about whether the accused really did what is alleged? That's one of the purposes of the trial. And yet the key purpose of the trial should be, justice for the victim (not, "keeping order" or "protecting society's rules" etc.) But the victim only receives justice if the accused is really guilty.

That also reminds me, I don't like that practice of using "guilty" or "innocent" as literally meaning what the justice system decided. Instead, those words ought to mean what is actually the case, and then we say "was judged to be" X in like vein to "the theory of T says that X" and we know that might not be the case.