Thursday Sound Asleep Blogging 072111

SteelyKid's "no pictures" phase continues, meaning that I have to do things like snapping low-light pictures of her after she falls asleep:


I used a really wide aperture lens for this-- waking her up with the flash would be the end of the world-- and had to process the hell out of it to get the colors to look remotely right. I could probably do a little better with more work, but we'll leave it like this as a reminder of how difficult it was to get any pictures for Toddler Blogging

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SteelyKid is in a bit of a "no pictures" phase at the moment, which makes it kind of difficult to get weekly shots. Hence the run of Toddler Blogging pictures without Appa in them-- when we pick Appa up, she runs away. Thus, this shot with the color balance all wonky (I could do a better job of…
The current quasi-hiatus has the goal of preserving my sanity through reducing stress. Somewhat surprisingly, Thursday Toddler Blogging has actually been fairly stressful lately, because SteelyKid is mostly in a "no pictures" phase, which makes getting a usable shot of her a huge hassle. Which is…
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Really, was there any question at all what the subject of today's photo would be? I mean, I'm a geek, I have a fancy camera-- of course I was taking pictures of the lunar eclipse. But more importantly, I was sharing it with SteelyKid: SteelyKid looking at the eclipse through her telescope. That'…

Gawd, more Pieta plagiarism.... :P

By Surgoshan (not verified) on 21 Jul 2011 #permalink

She's really adorable.

Have you considered discontinuing the weekly online picture? I know she's young, but if she doesn't want her picture taken. . .

In situations like that, I convert the picture to black-and-white. Lets me punt the whole color balance issue.

I wouldn't have said anything about the pacifier, because that is totally your business. But since you brought it up...

My son used his until he was 3. The dentist said it was a problem (I'm not sure she was right), so we decided to have a no-more-binky ritual, and threw two of them, tied together with ribbon, into a steam. (Yes, I'm usually more earth-friendly than that, but we needed high drama to make it work.)

My *only* problem with the binkies was that I couldn't get a picture without one.

She does occasionally grant us permission to take pictures, and earlier in the week Chad took some of the two of them rolling their tongues at each other in a mirror (simple demonstrations of genetics FTW!--I can't roll mine), but they didn't come out well.

So while it's possible that we may have to put Thursday Toddler Blogging on hiatus, I don't think it's inevitable. We'll keep in it mind, though.

Wider aperture than the 50mm f/1.4? It may help in low-light situations...

So cute! And "Baa!" That's Gauri's favorite huggee prior to sleep.

By Buddhacat (not verified) on 22 Jul 2011 #permalink

If that animal is a Carter's duck, then my daughter went through _two_ of them.

By David Wren-Hardin (not verified) on 25 Jul 2011 #permalink

The white one is a lamb. Probably the brown blur next to the pillow is Pooh, the pink one next to that is an elephant, and the blue one is Eeyore.

She goes through phases of cuddling animals at bedtime—she had a couple of days of clutching a black cat of mine, and spent more time with a little brown-and-white dog—but hasn't really formed any significant habits or attachments. (Case in point: the dog has been sitting on a shelf in the library for weeks. A few days ago she noticed it, was delighted to see it, carried it around for the morning, and then hasn't noticed it back on the same shelf since.)