Thursday Shana Tova Blogging 092911

The JCC, where SteelyKid goes to preschool, is closed for Rosh Hashanah, so she's off at Grandma and Grandpa's for the weekend. They start doing a little more religious instruction at the preschool level, so we got to hear about Jewish theology, SteelyKid style:

It's the birthday of the world, so I'm going to Grandma and Grandpa's tomorrow. The world's going to be closed, because it's the birthday of the world!

With big wide eyes for the last sentence, to drive home the importance of the world's birthday. And later, when I said the words "Rosh Hashanah,"

Yeah! Rosh Hashanah! God created the world, and then I created the world!

At which point, she held up a picture she had painted representing the whole world...

But you don't come just for the cute toddler dialogue-- you want pictures. And this week, we were lucky enough to get a few, showing that SteelyKid is almost the same size as Mommy:


OK, she's cheating a little, but it wasn't that long ago when I could comfortably fit her entire torso down the length of my forearm, and now she covers most of Kate...

More like this

Kate is off at Wiscon (or at least en route-- her flights are all screwed up), and SteelyKid is off at Grandma and Grandpa's for the weekend. Which means I don't have an Appa picture this week, but in honor of the pagan origins of the name of the day, here's a picture of SteelyKid enacting a scene…
SteelyKid goes to day care at the Jewish Community Center, which is closed today and tomorrow for Rosh Hashanah. Here we see her calling all her friends on the phone in her play house to wish them a happy new year, and let Appa offer his own greetings: The two-day closing is, as you might imagine…
There have been a bunch of times in the last couple of weeks where it was brought home how big SteelyKid has gotten compared to Kate, so this week, we have a Mommy-for-scale photo: The stylish headband SteelyKid is sporting is from today's Tu B'Shevat celebration at the Jewish Community Center,…
SteelyKid is off spending a weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's, so this week's picture was actually taken early Wednesday morning: The early hour accounts for both the pacifier (she wasn't willing to give it up yet) and the frizzy hair (bed-head toddler!). I'm pretty sure she hasn't grown measurably…

Shana Tova!