Sunday Morning, Chateau Steelypips

The Pip is getting really into books these days, and SteelyKid has been into them for a good while now (she's four-and-a-half, after all...). At some point last week, she asked about my writing, so I got down a copy of How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog and showed her her name in the dedication, which she was tickled by (she now refers to it as "my book"). Encouraged by this, I read a bit to them both-- the dog dialogue from the first chapter, which started life as this old blog post-- doing the silly dog voice. SteelyKid giggled in the right places, more or less, and The Pip listened very patiently. Then he got up, walked across the room, and came back with a Sandra Boynton book and demanded that instead. So I know where I stand...

On Sunday, however, he showed a renewed interest in it, and I got this picture. If you're keeping score, this is a few months earlier than when his big sister did the same thing. Which means precisely nothing, other than that we have the two cutest kids in the world.

(Which is the main purpose of this post-- I'm giving my talk about blogging on Thursday, and I needed to update the cute-kid-picture slide with something showing both of them...)

A typical Sunday morning in Chateau Steelypips: SteelyKid playing with emmy, and The Pip doing some light reading. A typical Sunday morning in Chateau Steelypips: SteelyKid playing with emmy, and The Pip doing some light reading.

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