Visiting Faculty Position at Union College

My trip into the office today was for the express purpose of posting this job ad:

We invite applications for Visiting Assistant Professor starting in September 2014. This position is available for up to three years, contingent on satisfactory performance. Applicants should have some teaching experience and a strong commitment to undergraduate education. Union is a highly selective, small (2200 students) liberal arts college with an engineering program, located in the Capital District of New York State, a region heavily engaged in science and R&D. The Department of Physics and Astronomy ( includes eleven full-time faculty in a variety of fields including astronomy, astrophysics, atomic physics, biophysics, environmental physics, nuclear physics, materials science, statistical mechanics, and art restoration research. Union College is an equal opportunity employer and is strongly committed to increasing the diversity of its workforce. Applicants should send a detailed curriculum vita, statements of teaching and research, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to [address removed to deter spammers-- follow the link above for information]. We will begin the review of applications on March 1, 2014 and continue until the position is filled.

So, if you've ever thought you'd really like to work here, now's your chance. Click on that link, and submit an application.

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No thanks. Union had it's chance to hire me three and a half decades ago. There's no second bite at the apple.

By The Phytophactor (not verified) on 20 Nov 2013 #permalink