Eureka: "Fun, Diverse, and Accessible"

The exciting news of the week: Eureka: Discovering Your Inner Scientist has gotten a starred review in Publishers Weekly. Woo-hoo!

They've said nice things about my previous two books, but getting the star is a big deal. And it's a really good capsule description of the book, with a great pull quote in the last sentence:

This fun, diverse, and accessible look at how science works will convert even the biggest science phobe.

Really, I can't ask for better than that.

I found out this was coming at the end of last week, where it was an absolute life-saver after some sanity-threatening stuff that I can't talk about. I didn't see the actual text until last night when Google alerted me that it had been posted, though, while I was on the verge of dozing off in front of the tv after another exhausting week. So this one review significantly boosted two weekends...

And with that, I'm off to take The Pip to soccer, then drive down to NYC where I'm going to see the reunited Afghan Whigs play the Beacon Theater tonight. So, here, have an atypically upbeat Whigs song (a cover, actually, but a sentimental favorite):

I say again: woo-hoo!

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Congratulations! I finally placed my pre-order a few weeks ago and I'm totally jealous of all the reviewers that got to read it before I do.