One Does Not Simply Science Into Mordor

I recently shot a bunch of video of myself in front of a green screen, for something that will be revealed in due time. Of course, if you have green-screen footage of yourself, you're pretty much obliged to do something silly with it, so here's a quick GIMP-ing of a still from the video (also visible as the "featured image" above...).

One does not simply science into Mordor One does not simply science into Mordor

(I was going to try to put myself inside Mount Doom holding a Ring, but I couldn't find a suitable background image, and I've already spent too much time on this silliness. It's not the classic Boromir pose, but it'll do.)

I realize this is highly risky, the Internet being what it is, but if you think you can do better, here's the original image:

Me in front of a green screen making a dramatic gesture. Me in front of a green screen making a dramatic gesture.

I have another image with good photoshop potential, but we'll see if this one produces anything entertaining first...

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