130/366: Bubble Battle

I try not to have this be Cute Kid Photo of the Day, but really, when these are the subjects, how can I avoid it?

SteelyKid blowing a bubble toward The Pip, at MiSci. SteelyKid blowing a bubble toward The Pip, at MiSci.

This is from yesterday's morning excursion to MiSci, where they have added a soap bubble area. This, of course, led to the kids battling with each other by blowing huge bubbles across the table and each popping the other's bubbles. Here's the early stage of a bubble offensive by SteelyKid, shortly to be popped by The Pip.

Another highlight of the visit was the "put yourself inside a bubble" thing, which is a perennial favorite of The Pip's:

The Pip inside a soap bubble. The Pip inside a soap bubble.

They also had wooden construction blocks-- SteelyKid spent a long time building a hexagonal tower with these-- and a holiday train display. It's a reliably entertaining way to kill an hour or two with the kids, and that's pure gold from a parent's perspective...

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By Young CC Prof (not verified) on 10 Jan 2016 #permalink