Woman passes her own kidney

We all know that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but surgeons at John Hopkins University Medical School have demonstrated that the way to a woman's kidney may be through her vagina. The pioneering surgery, carried out on a 48 year-old woman for the purpose of organ donation, is much less painful and invasive than traditional surgery, and results in three tiny pea-sized scars rather than the normal six--inch scar. The team hopes it will encourage more women to donate a kidney stating: "An organ donor, in particular, is most deserving of a scar-free, minimally invasive and pain-free procedure."

Full story at New Scientist blog.


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If I donate a kidney I at least want a cool scar to show for it!

It's kinda rough on guys though. Going in through the penis is a really tricky procedure....

But ... the ladies really dig scars.

If the ladies dig scars, do they also dig blindness? or other disabilities?

Eesh. I mean, ack. Woah. Shudder. Clench.
I know I know, per vagina surgery is supposedly better in every way, but I would still SOONER DIE.