I miss my office!

In the past week and a half, a series of both anticipated and unforeseen circumstances have been keeping me away from campus almost half of the time. First it was the snow day, then the MLK holiday, both of which meant no daycare. Tuesday I lost an afternoon to something unbloggable, Wednesday day care called to tell me that Minnow was feverish and had thrown up and could I please come get her. According to state laws (and common sense) if daycare sends a kid home early, they can't come back until the fever has been gone (without Tylenol) for at least 24 hours. Today, Fish took care of her this morning and then brought her to me during my afternoon lab. After the last student finished up, Minnow and I headed home. Tomorrow, Fish insists that he must be at work all day. Hence, I won't be because Minnow is still running a fever.

I'm somehow managing to stay on top of my immediate teaching responsibilities but everything else has been set aside. I'm at a phase of my teaching, research, and service obligations where I need to make use of the physical and electronic resources on campus, so even though I am working in the evenings and in snatched moments during naps, I can't make headway on much of my to-do list.

Here's hoping that things like up for me next week. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up this minimal work time (and face time) and still stay on top of my obligations. After all, you can't get up in front of a classroom and have nothing prepared nor can you write a paper for which you haven't collected the data.

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"nor can you write a paper for which you haven't collected the data."

So write a conference abstract instead, and put of the paper until after the conference.

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Wow, hope that Minnow is feeling better soon and that things settle down a bit for you in terms of work!