A name for our bloggy queendom?

ScienceWoman and I are looking for punny and descriptive names for our new collaborative blog effort. Got any ideas?

So far, these are our lame attempts:

  • Scientist and Engineers ... and Women, too
  • Science/Engineering Women
  • Staying afloat
  • this is what a scientist/engineer looks like (blatantly stolen from YellowIbis)
  • Balance Beam (sort of like Sharon Traweek's Beamtimes and Lifetimes)
  • A blog of our own
  • Women at Work
  • "WOES woes," where WOES="Women of Engineering and Science" (very depressing)
  • Perhaps something "wise" related, where wise=women in science and engineering?

See? They all really suck. You have to have better ideas than these.

I think we'd like to combine the scientist/engineer aspect of our dual blogging with the fact that we're women, and if we can get an academic slant in there, that would be cool too.

Please, Internets, what say you? Help us out of our conundrum!

Edited to Add: Our overlords have generously promised to send a ScienceBlogs mug to the winner. So give us your best ideas!


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I don't know, Alice do you consider yourself a scientist or are you happier with Engineer?

"STEMing the leaks" (with no reference to breastfeeding intended)

"On WISE-dom"

How about:

The New SEWing Circle

(Science & Engineering Women)


The Daily WOES

(Women of Engineering & Science)

Or to make it less negative:

The Daily WOSE

By EarlyToBed (not verified) on 12 Feb 2008 #permalink

Balance Beam seems to sum it up nicely.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 12 Feb 2008 #permalink

I think the current title is perfect, but I also love "A blog of our own". How about combining the two (using one as title and the other as subtitle)?

What about something like:
Females blossoming from STEM

I was going for something flower-like there, maybe someone else can complete the thought.

But the current title does seem to still fit...

"wise and alive"

given the amount of stuff one has to survive being in academia and being a mother (and/or an activist), I would guess a title like that would not be an understatement of the task at hand...

How about:

WISE words

After reading everyone else's thoughts: I also still like the current title, but it really is a better descriptor for sciencewoman than it is for Alice. My suggestion: "Two WISE." And then you can add your own punchy subtitle if you want. I tried to come up with something around STEM, but since my -ology is in the life sciences all of those titles described me better than you two!

These are great, y'all. Thanks, and keep 'em coming!

To answer/respond to a question/comment that kept popping up - I really do see myself more as an engineer than a scientist. What the difference might be is the subject of a couple of papers I'm writing - very weird overlap of real life with academic theorizing.

I'm liking the "wise" connections too...

I like the idea of a sisterhood..."Sisterhood of the WISE" ?
Being a quilter, I also kinda like Early to Bed's "New SEWing Circle" suggestion.
Keep the great suggestions coming...

Hi Alice, Nice to see you in some new digs!

The t-shirt you mentioned, that was our spin on it, but it's really a takeoff of the old feminist t-shirt.

I tend to agree that 'scientist' and 'engineer' are not quite the same thing.

As for a new title, well, I don't have a specific suggestion but it does strike me that the best titles / branding are either something unusual (like our own name, for example) or are something that immediately gives you a feel for the blog (e.g. Bitch PhD). My guess is that with two of you now, the blog might start to take on new directions or maybe start having recurring themes, especially given that Alice is also still exploring what she wants to blog on. Why not just wait a month or so? Then when you rename and everyone comes to check it out, you'll be on somewhat more solid footing. It also prevents having to rename again in 6 months if your blog ends up refocused.