To Minnow on her birthday

Dearest Minnow,

Happy Birthday!

I am so proud of my "big girl" who knows her colors, can count to three, has seven word sentences, loves books to the point of memorization, solves puzzles repeatedly, pees on the potty regularly, cares for and cuddles her "baby" and stuffed puppy, sings songs spontaneously, worries about how "Nanna has a big owie," pedals her tricycle, and has words associated with most of the letters in the alphabet ("apple, baby, cat, daddy..."). I'm amazed by how much you've grown so much in just the past few months, and I look forward to being amazed by your accomplishments over the next year and beyond.

Thank you so much for making the past two years the best years of my life, because I have been able to watch you learn and grow and share in your infectious enthusiasm for life. Thank you for waking up happy to see me ("Mommy, wake up. Wake up!"), for understanding when "Mommy working hard all day long," for teaching me new songs and games and reminding me of old favorites, for helping me see the world through new eyes, and for making me take the time for simple gestures and little rituals. Thank you for giving me new urgency to do a little bit to make the world a better place. Thank you for giving me hope for future generations. Thank you for your hugs and kisses and cuddles. Thank you for helping me be a better person, and thank you most of all for being exactly who you are.

I love you so much.


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Happy Birthday, Minnow!

ScienceWoman, you have reminded me that we really need to have some kind of congratulatory statement for parents on their children's birthdays. When Minnow was born, a new mother was born, too, and a very good one from the sounds of it!

Happy birthday, Minnow!

The world is a very, very big candy store (and library!). Choose wisely.

dcs, whose daughter has promised to always be his baby.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 26 Jan 2009 #permalink

Happy Birthday little Minnow! I can't believe she's 2 already! And congrats SW on doing such a great job being mom to Minnow. She sounds like an amazing little girl.

A very sweet post. Happy Birthday Minnow!

I agree with that he's older I tend to think about Angel's birthday as my anniversary of becoming a mother.

Happy birthday to Minnow and her awesome mother!

Happy Birthday Minnow!

Wow! Two already! It only seems a few months since the blog baby countdown was on over at the old blog!

Nice to hear you're a puzzle solver I think puzzle solvers have the most fun as grown ups!

My mom started a tradition of giving her mother flowers on her birthday, and I do the same for my mom. We always say "happy giving birth-day".

Happy birthday to Minnow and giving birth-day to SW!

Happy birth anniversary to you both!

This may or may not be an appropriate time to ask what I know might be a sensitive question: has she continued to sleep mostly through the night after that windfall right after AGU?

Happy Birthing Day, ScienceWoman. And yeah for all the Minnows who make us stop and really look at the roses.

with some help she can count to ten

What a great letter to Minnow. Print it out several times and fold copies into some of her favorite books and among "Mommy's" baby memories file. You (and she) will love to read this letter again.