Liberal Arts Lady has ably hosted another fantastic edition of Scientiae. Head over there for some fantastic stories of role models and mentors, as well as some reminders that we have a ways to go before all aspiring scientists can find someone who looks like them.
I also wanted to draw your attention to an excellent post by Zuska. She says that "It's Difficult To Talk About Diversity When You Feel Ignorant And Are Afraid To Give Offense" but that it's really important to be an ally in practice and not just in (silent) principle.
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What's your name?
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I had to laugh at a diversity workshop that I was required to attned as chair of my department. it was part diversity awareness and senstivity and part, where do we go from here. All in all, it wasn't a bad day (but they did have it on a sunday, not very family friendly)
So lunch comes around. They had the veg, the vegan, the meat meals. impressive eh? covered all dietary needs. I get to the drink line.....Sweetened Tea...that was it. No water, no juice, no soda, at least not on drink table. There were two mormons present (minority religion at this instiution), and a host of diabetics. oops.
So we had to get tap water from a sink full of dirty dishes.
So when the experts pull the oops, what hope is there for the rest of us.