(Free) Trip to Delft for a workshop on gender and engineering education!

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgDo you do research on gender and engineering or engineering education? Do you want to talk with cool European researchers about your and their research? Want to fly to Europe for free? Consider applying for the opportunity below the fold -- there are only a couple days left to apply (April 13 is the deadline) but the application process isn't difficult and I know they're still taking applications. Only restriction: you currently need to be working at a US university (I think).

US-Europe Workshop for Research on Gender and Diversity
in Engineering Education
Announcement and Call for Applicants
Applications are due April 13, 2009!

US Participants are sought for a 1-2 day workshop on gender research in engineering education to be held this summer in Delft, The Netherlands. Tentative dates are June 29, 30, or July 4. Participants will actively engage in developing an international research agenda for engineering education research on gender, the results of which will be submitted by the organizers for publication as an article in the European Journal of Engineering Education, or a similar journal. The workshop will bring together approximately 7 researchers from the US with an equal number of European researchers working in the area of gender in engineering education. We are also particularly interested in research on the intersection of gender with other types of diversity. In addition to the development of an international research agenda, this workshop aims to foster international research collaborations between participants and promote the development of an international community of scholars.

Participants may also be interested in attending the European Society of Engineering Education (SEFI) Annual Conference, which will take place July 1-4 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The deadline for early registration for SEFI is May 1, 2009. Details are at http://www.sefi2009.com/nl/default.asp.


Participants should be tenure track faculty, graduate students, post-docs, or others conducting research in the field of engineering education. Selection criteria for participants include: empirical research experience in gender in engineering education, potential to advance the field of engineering education, and diversity (broadly defined).

Additional Requirements

This workshop is funded by the US National Science Foundation (Award #0810990), as part of on-going research. If selected to attend the workshop, you will be asked to fill out anonymous evaluation surveys. Workshop interactions will also be observed (but not audio or video recorded) for research purposes. By accepting an invitation to attend the workshop, you imply consent to these procedures. If you wish to opt-out of the research and evaluation procedures, or if you have any questions, please contact one of the workshop organizers: kbeddoes@vt.edu.

How to apply

The deadline to apply is April 13, 2009, by 11:59pm EDT. Applications can be found at https://survey.vt.edu/survey/entry.jsp?id=1237467474973. You will be asked to describe your current research in terms of guiding questions, theories, and methodologies. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection by April 24, 2009.

Accepted US participants will receive $3,000 toward travel and lodging expenses (receipts required). Workshop attendance is limited to selected participants.

Workshop Planning Committee (US):

Maura Borrego, Virginia Tech
Brent Jesiek, Purdue University
Julie Trenor, Clemson University
Kacey Beddoes, Virginia Tech

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