The Great Mother's Day Pee-pee Incident of 2009

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgMinnow and I have been visiting with Brother this weekend, and we went out to dinner at a deli and salad place. Brother got the all-you-can-eat salad bar, I ordered a Ciabatta Garden, and Minnow wanted the cheese pizza. Our food had just arrived when Minnow announced, "I need to go potty. I'm pee-peeing in my chair."

Instantaneously, her high chair filled with literally a gallon of pee, until it spilled over the top of her legs and made a cascade onto the ground. A trail of urine followed us to the bathroom, the soaked clothes were taken home in a carry-out box...

I was horrified, Brother was amused, Minnow was suddenly hungry, and the food was yummy. And now I have a very vivid memory of Mother's Day 2009.

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I was there. It was pretty funny. :-)

LOL! I took my son to a birthday party and he peed all over their living room floor. Luckily it was on the wood rather than the carpet.

Then, I saw him grabbing his crotch and I rushed him into the bathroom, onto the toilet, and SPLOOSH! he landed in the water of the toilet bowl, because I'd forgotten to get the potty seat insert. Luckily he just thought it was cool rather than terrifying.

This may be one of the finest blog post titles ever.

So funny! And sort of mortifying. Though it's Minnow who will find this story mortifying in a few years...and since it happened on Mother's Day, you now have unlimited license to use it every Mother's Day hence. Being a good daughter (as I'm sure she is) she cannot stop this. Ah, sweet revenge. The best Mother's Day present ever.

That's as bad as the time my daughter peed all over the floor at Kroger. We were standing in line to check out and she was doing a little dance - right in the middle of the puddle she had just made. We didn't shop at that particular location for a while.

our little one peed on the floor at the coop once in the early days of potty training. we didn't have anything to deal with it, so I just walked home carrying her and DH stayed to clean up the mess and finish shopping. It was actually really good for her to see what happend if she didn't tell us before she peed. it was over 6 mo ago and we haven't had an away from the home accident since then.

I'm glad you had a good mothers day and have some funny memories and stories for the future.

By soil mama (not verified) on 11 May 2009 #permalink

Hee! That is a great pee story. I don't have any exciting ones like that yet, but I bet I will before our potty journey is through. Love it! Thanks for sharing.

Oh my, oh my, oh my. What's better is all of the similar stories in the comments. Although Minnow's never going to be able to forget this Mother's Day.

Sad to tell you, but if that's the best your kid ever does to embarrass you, you have done well. Glad to hear that you had a good Mother's Day. Sounds like you have needed it.

Sad to tell you, but if that's the best your kid ever does to embarrass you, you have done well. Glad to hear that you had a good Mother's Day. Sounds like you have needed it.