Math literacy is so important, but don't take my word for it.

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgThere's a few days left in our October DonorsChoose challenge, and even after that there are many more great projects out there waiting for our help.

A few weeks ago, wonderful educator-science-historian-cultural-studies-expert-mother-blogger Leslie Madden-Brooks responded to a plea to help fund some projects, and I was deeply moved by what she wrote to the classroom, so I wanted to share it with you...

I gave to this project because I had such a tough time learning math, and I wish I had been able to develop this kind of mathematical and critical thinking through reading interesting authors. I enjoy science tremendously, but I had to stop taking these classes early in college because I couldn't do the math required in them. I don't want any students to have that same lifelong handicap.

Wow. I have so much respect for Leslie for admitting that and for trying to help some current elementary kids avoid the same dilemma. If Leslie's comment struck a nerve with you, consider helping one of these projects: Math Literature Books Needed for 3-5th graders in Michigan (needs just $99); or Math Read Alouds for South Carolina 3-5th graders with learning disabilities (needs just $74).

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I'm glad I was inadvertently inspiring--I hope my words help you to raise more money for this important kind of literacy. Because really, my innumeracy knows no bounds, and it's very limiting.