Bush Commutes Libby's Prison Sentence

Absurdity. Complete and total absurdity.

George Bush, a president who has pardoned fewer people than any president in the past century, today commutes the sentence of Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, a guilty man who lied about the leaking of sensitive government information for political purposes.

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It wouldn't do any good to change the Constitution to put limits on pardons.

Section 2 says "The President ... shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment." Congress passed articles of impeachment against Nixon, making this a case of impeachment, but all three branches of the government decided Section 2 didn't apply in Nixon's case, so Ford's pardon of Nixon was taken as valid.

Who knows what signing statements George has made about the Constitution.

video on yahoo showes kids breaking floesant lightbulbs on each other and making it seem cool we dont need a fad like this going on where are the enviralmentalists on this not to mention the morality of it. watch yourself and judge send emails to people who care .ther are locations to recycle this mercury and gas lets nip this in the bud

By paulbridgman (not verified) on 01 Aug 2007 #permalink