US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Resigns

They're dropping like flies now. In another blow to the Bush Administration, The New York Times reports that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will announce his resignation later has announced his resignation (update) today... and it's about damn time. Senator Charles Schumer puts it lightly:

Senator Charles Schumer, the New York Democrat who sits on the committee and has been calling for Mr. Gonzales's resignation for months, said this morning: "It has been a long and difficult struggle, but at last the attorney general has done the right thing and stepped down. For the previous six months, the Justice Department has been virtually nonfunctional, and desperately needs new leadership."

Senator Schumer said that "Democrats will not obstruct or impede a nominee who we are confident will put the rule of law above political considerations."

Gonzales has made a mockery of the law, and it's amazing (and amazingly sad) that he has managed to hang onto his post as long as he has. Nobody with so little respect for the law should be in charge of enforcing it.

Surely Gonzales' and Rove's resignations are just attempts to shield the Bush Administration from the legal action that they will likely be facing. Hopefully the public won't buy into this and let the Bush Administration avoid the brunt of the consequences of its actions.

Update: Slate has a nice roundup of the reactions from around the blogosphere.

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That resignates with me.

Step 1: Let him resign.
Step 2: Prosecute his ass
Step 3: Let him roll over and give up GW and Dick
Step 4: Overturn all the inroads the Bush Administration has made in eroding the Constitution.
Step 5: Get back to enjoying life.

Senator Schumer said that "Democrats will not obstruct or impede a nominee who we are confident will put the rule of law above political considerations."

It's too bad the Senate won't get to choose such a nominee, rather they will only get to vote on the nominee Bush selects.

J-Dog: Step 2: Prosecute his ass

Maybe wait until Bush is out of office before prosecuting him, so that he won't get a pardon.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 27 Aug 2007 #permalink

My my, it's been a long time since I last posted. That was when you were in your nascent stages. (Refer back to Feb 2006 to refresh since I'm sure you have legions of posters now) I see you are still doing a great job of being a scientific activist.

Finally he resigns. I'm still slow, that hasn't changed. Hey, my excuse is that I was on vacation in Korea. And I'm about to start teaching as a NYC teacher again. God save me!

I don't know if it's a typo from the NYTimes but I think it should be "leadership" instead of "readership," but perhaps they also desperately need both so you can just leave it as is.

If I go to England, I'm so stopping by to see you. Cheers, and until then!

By Epikorean (not verified) on 30 Aug 2007 #permalink