Where to Find Reliable Information on Swine Flu

Although I've only written a bit about the recent outbreak of influenza A H1N1 (swine flu), I'd encourage you to take a look at this post by Kent Newsome that discusses where to find reliable information on this topic. This post is particularly nice, because it gives concrete examples of some of the useful things this blogger has learned from these various sources. Granted, most of the sources he discusses are affiliated with ScienceBlogs, but that shouldn't really be surprising, given that there has been so much quality blogging here recently on the topic of swine flu (particularly by Effect Measure and Aetiology).

On a mostly unrelated note, I'd also encourage you to check out the ScienceBlogs homepage right now for another example of things that ScienceBloggers do well: taking on pseudoscience. In this case, it's the outrageous ongoing explosion of quackery at The Huffington Post.

Update: Reader Sofia has also pointed me toward Virology Blog, which appears to have a large amount of scientifically-oriented information on the topic as well.

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May I just say that your blog takes far longer to load than any other page on the internets I visit. You might want to work on that, if you have time? I'm not sure if others have that problem.

Thanks for pointing out the absurd quackery going on at the Huffington Post of late. For the most part, I enjoy reading that site, but the lunacy is spreading out from their "Wellness" BS and is starting to infect the rest of their content.

Oh, and your site loads just fine for me.

I must say that these days its very easy to find information however because we are swamped with all this info its hard to determine what is releiable and what is not. Your best bet in scientific journals but these can be extremly difficult to understand especially if you are not a expert in science

I have one word for relief against the mutating flu virus. Ampligen.

By J. Gibbons (not verified) on 17 Jun 2009 #permalink

It is always nice to have reliable information on an illness such as this one. It seems to be spreading and everyone should just continue to keep on washing their hands! I would really like to get more information on the vaccine they just came out with for H1N1.