So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night Lindau! We'll see you next year

That was it, we're back. After six inspiring days in Lindau, the Nobel Laureates Meeting 2009 has ended. Eight authors blogged about it on ScienceBlogs Germany, plus we had further blogging guests such as PZ Myers, Bora Zivkovic and Seema Singh.


I did not make myself heard in the last two days. That was due to a lack of wifi on the Isle of Mainau where we spent the last days. Nevertheless it is time now to sum up what our English bloggers had to offer you:

Sir Harold Kroto gave a video interview in which he talked about competition in science and the negative aspects of a Nobel Prize.

We could also get an interview with Erwin Neher who explains how he got into science and which fields his current research is focusing on.

Ashutosh Jogalekar wrote about Richard Schrock's talk. The MIT chemist spoke about his probably biggest discovery: the first method for forming large molecular rings. Ashutosh also wrote about the panel on green fluorescent protein.

Paula Schramm summed up the results of a discussion about Open Access betweet Bora Zivkovic from PLoS and Nature's Jason Wilde - apparently it was quite entertaining.

Meanwhile Matthew Chalmers went on a trip to the World Conference of Science Journalists in London where he gave a talk about science blogging and science journalism.

Por fin la periodista Lorena Guzmán H. de Chile escribìa también sobre la reunión anual de premios Nobel de Lindau - su artÃculo puede ser leÃdo en el blog de la gaceta "El Mercurio".


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