Attachment parenting?

For reasons that I don't even pretend to understand, Baby Jane has entered an extreme Mommy Attachment phase. Most of the time, she's her normal, independent toddler self. The rest of the time, she apparently feels some strong need to be held by me or to attach herself to my legs or whatever other body part is available. (Or, my personal favorite, to call out for me randomly in the middle of the night. And it usually goes something like "Mooooommmmmy Moooooommmmmmmy MommyMommyMommyMommy...." Good times.) It's gotten so extreme that she actually had a major meltdown tonight when I handed her off to Mr. Jane for 5 minutes so that I could finish making dinner.

I'm freakin' exhausted. I love my daughter dearly, but there is definitely such a thing as too much togetherness---and I think we've reached that threshold.

Please tell me the Daddy Adorement Phase starts soon!


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Ooh, I remember those long, long, un-alone nights. Chin up, it really does get better!

By slightlyfleury (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

My psychology colleagues would say that it shows that she is securely attached to you. With Offspring, I noticed an increase in clingyness and sleeplessness when she was working on a new developmental milestone, so maybe that is what you are looking at.

You can try putting her in a highchair with a favorite snack (Bun likes frozen peas) and dragging it into the kitchen while you make dinner.

Hmmm, not sure what the next major milestone is, but that's possible! Sometimes it is a hunger thing, and distracting her with a snack works...but other times, not so much. I know that this is probably fleeting, so I'll just roll with it while it lasts, I guess...