Grace Hopper meetup part deux

OK, I think I've finally figured out what my schedule looks like for Grace Hopper (with all the logistics going on, you'd think we were trying to move the pope or something) and I have some possible meet-up times. (I was going to email the interested parties, but then I realized that I don't have everyone's email, hence the blog post.) So, here they are:

Possibility #1: Wednesday night at the poster session/opening reception. I can meet after 8-ish if we do this.

Possibility #2: There seems to be a rather large break after lunch on Thursday---well, ok, there's a plenary session, but nothing else scheduled. I'll be at the Systers lunch, but we could meet up between the end of the "lunch period" and the start of Session 3.

Possibility #3: Friday night at the Sponsor Night reception.

So, those of you who are interested: what's your preference? I'm thinking Thursday might be easiest to coordinate, but any of the times would be fine.

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I won't get in early enough for #1. Both #2 and #3 work for me, and I too think that #2 might be easiest. I am not sure if I will have internet before Thursday morning, so if you decide on #2, just count me in and I'll be there!

OK, how about this: Let's plan on meeting at 1:30 Thursday in the conference center. When you go in the main doors, there's a circular lobby (there are two sets of stairs leading up to it). If you go past the registration desk and the ABI info desk and head off to the left, there's a set of stairs before you go into the main hall/foyer area. (There are a few booths around there---NCWIT is almost directly across from the stairs.) Let's meet at the base of the stairs---we can then find somewhere to sit and chat (maybe even outside if it's nice). I'll be wearing a dark brown skirt.

There's a small chance I'll be a few minutes late, but hopefully that won't be the case.

Hope to see y'all then!

Jane, I'm going to send e-mail to the address that is linked here giving you my real name. I will plan to see you at 1:30 (and I'll be at the Systers lunch too!) but I just got in and I'm exhausted enough that I'm not convinced I'll be in the right place or looking for the right thing. If you see a confused girl wandering around near the NCWIT booth, it's likely me.

I'll be in the right place or looking for the right thing. If you see a confused girl wandering around near the NCWIT booth, it's likely me.