A Galapagos Interruption: FLOCK OF DODOS airs tonight on Showtime

i-60e8b43a340e958b72709ee9d2859dfc-Flock of Dodos Showtime.jpgGrab your seats and popcorn for the Evolution-Intelligent Design circus! Randy Olson's acclaimed film Flock of Dodos airs tonight at 5:30pm and again at 8:30 pm EST on Showtime. The documentary premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in April 2006 and has raised the heckles from many anti-evolutionists. The Discovery Institute has recently written to Showtime (what's with the 'soft touch'?) in opposition of the airing. But PZ Myers had already refuted their claims back in February. Find out what all the fuss is about tonight at 5:30pm and 8:30 pm on Showtime.

p.s. For further entertainment, check out Pulled Punches--a 6-minute video of material left out of the film.

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I think people differ greatly on this issue. For example, if it were completely unidentifiable as my own, I would have no problem with a picture of my naked ass being posted on the Internet. Others would be absolutely horrified by the prospect.