Mother Nature: Is Hollywood a Liaison or a Liability?

The whole Gore/Chilean sea bass debacle calls into question Hollywood's role in the environmental movement. Gore, having received an Academy Award, now definitely qualifies as 'Hollywood'. One the one hand, Hollywood should not represent environmental causes because it is a liability (as in the case of "fur traitor" Naomi Campbell and PETA). Instead, the science should speak for itself. Eventually, there will be a tipping of the scale (e.g., smoking and lung cancer). Hollywood is not to be trusted in fora of ethics or science. On the other hand, the public responds to Hollywood and that causes need messengers. And what about stars who actually care, like Angelina Jolie? They do not erode the cause because they are genuinely (rather than paid to be) concerned.

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Is Hollywood a liaison or a liability for Mother Nature?

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NOTHING speaks for itself, and especially not science. Do you really believe that the "weight of evidence" is what caused people to turn against smoking?

Scientists who want to change the world should apply their prodigious talents to studying how to change the world.

For example...just imagine that the world is a subject fish or marine habitat, and study change processes. Your analysis will show you that letting the science speak for itself is not a leading cause of change.

"And what about stars who actually care, like Angelina Jolie? "

Wha ... ? Jollie "cares" and Al Gore does not? Where did that come from?

"The whole Gore/Chilean sea bass debacle calls into question Hollywood's role in the environmental movement."

The whole debacle is the result of assassination journalism. Are you proud that you joined the latest swiftboat foray?

I really don't think that Mark, or any of us, can pretend to know why stars do what they do. They are people, just like any of us, and maybe Angelina "cares", and maybe she doesn't care as much as you think she should. But "WTF" Mark, if she's making the world a better place, that's great, and maybe you should embrace that sentiment and try a little betterment yourself.

vay model anne olmuÅ ama vücüda bak süpper taÅ gibi hatun hollywood yıldızları hep böyle spor yaparak kendilerine çok iyi bakıyorlar hellal olsun diyorum baÅka ne diyem ki artık diyecek birÅey bulamıyorum Åu vucuda bak bady number one yeÅilçamsahne turkseks