Fishy Art in Vancouver

CatchoftheDay.JPGFriday night I went to the opening of Cameron MacDonald's "Catch of the day" exhibit at Little Mountain Studios here in Vancouver. The walls were covered in large-scale drawings of fantasy fish on 500 feet of thermal fax paper and there were several framed faux nutrition labels.

The new exhibit was a sequel to MacDonald's 2006 exhibit "Liquidation", a mixed media work that examined the issues of over fishing, globalization and food security. For the duration of "Liquidation":
Little Mountain Studios (formerly The Butchershop) was transformed into Little Mountain Market. 1800 cans, comprising 21 different "products" stocked the shelves. Neither salmon nor tuna were found in this store--they were suspiciously absent, replaced by a motley assortment of deep sea creatures, garbage fish and tide pool dwellers that comprise this final shipment of marine protein.

"Catch of the day" is at Little Mountain Studios (195 E. 26th Ave at Main.) for the next two weeks. For those of you who cannot make it to the studio, visit Cam MacDonald's MySpace page for a virtual tour. View some more photos of Cam's work after the jump.





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