Albino Whale Shark

I should have added this one to the Galapagos drama that has occurred over the past year: this albino whale shark was spotted last September off the northern island of Darwin. Seeing is believing. Check it out:


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Wow. Here's hoping a hundred aquariums don't rush out to collect it. They keep croaking in captivity.

Interesting clip. Thanks.

Beautiful, really. Anomalous animals are a particularly fascinating subject. I sometimes wonder if, since albinism occurs on occasion and the creatures with those traits survive to adulthood from time to time, whether gigantism likewise ever occurs to survive into adulthood in megafauna, and whether it could be the source of some of the mythological descriptions of animals in our cultural menagerie. Thanks, Jennifer.

Many albino animal will be spotted soon. Due to our weather pattern change and food source polution. It is actually a deficiency in the skin dna, irregularity of skin colours. Not the creature from fairy tales but a known problem in natural occurence - POLUTION.