From Randy Olson: New Shifting Baselines Flash Video for Puget Sound

Last fall I was contacted by the folks at the newly created Puget Sound Partnership regarding the "shifting baselines" predicament they face with Puget Sound. Their phone polling showed that over 90% of the people of Seattle are in favor of protecting Puget Sound, but over 70% think the Sound, as it is today, is pretty much pristine. That is a case for shifting baselines.

So over the past four months we produced this new 5 minute Flash video to help convey the fact that even though, when you stand on the ferry and look out at Puget Sound it all appears flawless, the real situation is considerably different. Kevin Ranker of Surfrider in Washington was the guy who originally saw the need for a communication effort like this, and Surfrider eventually helped get Pearl Jam to give us the song, "Oceans," for it. Check it out.

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Ugh...that word again, "pristine". I'm expecting to see the next sport utility vehicle hybrid being introduced in an ad campaign in all the media and it will be called "the Pristine". In my mind it's becoming synomymous with the phrase "thar she goes".

Are you kidding me? The video ends with bikini clad chicks playing in the ocean, ya maybe after some global warming. Have you stepped foot in Puget Sound? It is cold as heck..