Baby You Can Have What Invert You Like...

When Oppenheimer watched the atomic bomb go off he felt he had played a part in the destruction of humanity. I know the feeling.

Last week I got a nice email from a group of graduate students in marine ecology at Northeastern University who apparently are losing their minds as badly as I did in the early 90s. They sent me links to these two videos which they said were inspired by my early Prairie Starfish videos (particularly Barnacles Tell No Lies I'm guessing). But these folks have taken it to "a ho nuva leva." They've figured out ways to rap about everything from trochophores to veligers, tell slug haters to be quiet, and extoll the virtues of forming a brown body when times are rough (if you're a bryozoan). And they also explain how to Drop your Box on the Rocks.

I give their work an "FA" (Frickin' Awesome).

Clearly the time is coming for an Invertebrate Film Festival, with a special prize for Best Tardigrade Short.

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I'm not getting this video.

Hey Douglas - Have you ever seen the character Debbie Downer on Saturday Night Live? Are you related to her?

By Kevin Dorian (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

Hey Douglas, It was friggin joke!!! Pull your head out of the sand!

By Ricky Bobbi (not verified) on 23 Dec 2008 #permalink

I had students begging me to show them the original barnacle video last semester in my marine bio class. I showed it to them as freshman and they were still thinking about it a couple years later. They'll be jazzed to see that it is on YouTube.

I had students begging me to show them the original barnacle video last semester in my marine bio class. I showed it to them as freshman and they were still thinking about it a couple years later. They'll be jazzed to see that it is on YouTube.

I had students begging me to show them the original barnacle video last semester in my marine bio class. I showed it to them as freshman and they were still thinking about it a couple years later. They'll be jazzed to see that it is on YouTube.good