Sushi Hater

My friend sent me a link to this t-shirt for sale at Forever 21 (the Wal-Mart of high fashion) and her email read simply: "uh oh". Yes, this is what PETA's Save the Sea Kitten campaign is up against...


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Can you come up with an equivalent futuristic t-shirt message to your futuristic scratch and smell book? What will we be left to love when our fish are all gone and our oceans filled with plastic?

Maybe she's an avocado roll lover? Let's not forget that sushi can indeed be sustainable.

However, more likely she's in the other camp, along with Jeremy Piven, now the most famous person with a sushi addiction. Interesting to see him pay the price with mercury poisoning recently: he was on GMA this morning talking about the dangers of eating too much high on the food chain fish:

He will have a bigger impact on the sushi market than this shirt, I hope.


I think I will make a futuristic t-shirt, come to think of it (watch for it soon). And it's true that not all sushi is bad. I had some incredible (I daresay revolutionary) vegetarian sushi at a restaurant called Tataki in San Francisco. But that circle inside that roll doesn't look green to me...

I invite you all to join my sustainable seafood blog event. Mark your calendars for September -packed with chefs, top food writers, home cooks, foodies, all sharing sustainable seafood and including sushi - recipes, tips etc. You can also Google "Sustainable Sushi Gets a Boost" to read my article on that. Casson Trenor's book on sustainable sushi just hit this week, another good resource. He was the Guru for Tataki - he and Chef Lui were at the event in the article and participated in the event.

As a kid who cut her teeth on Jacques Cousteau and Julia Child this is very important to me. Finding sustainable and delicious ways to eat.


Jacqueline Church
The Leather District Gourmet

I hate to lower the tone but does the t-shirt come with the model inside it? If so I'll buy one :-) A while back I was a big sushi fan but I'm paying a lot more attention to sustainability issues so haven't had any for a while. Thankfully my local supermarket has started labelling all it's fish with details of origin, etc. so you can choose responsibly sourced fish.

Could it mean she's a cold fish in bed?!

I think trying to make sushi "sustainable" is misguided. While I appreciate the effort to let people "have their cake and eat it too", frankly we are at the point where we have to start treating consumption of all fish and especially sushi (as well as such things as shark fin soup) with disgust and distain.

The wholesale destruction of the ocean ecosystem that result from these fish-eating practices should not be countered by "sustainability" efforts, because they do nothing but continue to make this horrific "food" palatable. Human piscivory must end, at least on the industrial scale done at present, if the oceans are to rebound. "Sustainability" doesn't do anything to fix the problem. All it does is gives the misimpression that the problem can be halted with little or no change in human diet.

Few people join in the "sustainability" effort so it is at best a waste of time, and at worst is a benefit to these blitzkrieging the oceans by providing the illusion of cover for them.

By Woody Tanaka (not verified) on 16 Jan 2009 #permalink

Forget the sustainability factor - I'd wear a "sushi hater" tshirt because sushi tastes terrible!

sushi ne kadar tatlısın ben konuya giriÅ yaparken yemek sanmıÅıtın iyikide gelmiÅin senin güzelliÄini görmüŠoldum nostaljik yeÅiçam turk

vaybe sushi hater benseni balıksandım japonların çok sevgiyemek olan balık amabirde negöresiyem sen ire kızseksil aber bermissin pasta kadara Åekersin seni süslemek için enelerinden vaz geçmezdimki, pasta süslemeleri hiiii...

bunlarada katılmamamk elimneden glemilyor, geceninbir yarısındanib yorumları okurekne gördümonun güzel sushi olmuÅu türk yıldızının zerrin egeliler bakınbubirinurkaralı yıldızlarından onunrollerinden hep gerçekçidtir.
I think trying to make sushi "sustainable" is misguided. While I appreciate the effort to let people "have their cake and eat it too", frankly we are at the point where we have to start treating consumption of all fish and especially sushi (as well as such things as shark fin soup) with disgust and distain.
zerrin egeliler heeee.

hipesindenen almak gerikiyor artık burianın bunalrı el sanatları kurslarına katılacamaÄınbendenm nedereni bulirimik ismek olursa iyi olucaksanıırım.
The wholesale destruction of the ocean ecosystem that result from these fish-eating practices should not be countered by "sustainability" efforts, because they do nothing but continue to make this horrific "food" palatable. Human piscivory must end, at least on the industrial scale done at present, if the oceans are to rebound. "Sustainability" doesn't do anything to fix the problem. All it does is gives the misimpression that the problem can be halted with little or no change in human diet.
hiee goooodd

Human piscivory must end, at least on the industrial scale done at present, if the oceans are to rebound. "Sustainability" doesn't do anything to fix

Overfishing is a huge issue that is too often ignored and overlooked by local governments because it's a 'global' problem. We really need to take a united stand on it before it's too late. Unfortunately many scientists and biologist believe it already is too late.

Well that's pretty cool addition, particularly for me. So i can't hate it at any case. Everyone has different choice so can't blame anyone. Hope that most of people must be liking it.