I was in a movie!

Barney: Next they're gonna show my movie.

Bart: You made a movie ?

Barney: I made a movie? I wonder why there was a picture of me on the cover of Entertainment Weekly.

Earlier this year, a documentary film challenge was issued internationally. The goal was to make a movie about one of this year's two themes: hope or fear.

A group of Oregon filmmakers, The Cingulate System, called me up at work and asked if they could interview me for their film about Dark Matter. The challenge was to make a documentary, from scratch, in under a week. The film premiered April 8th right here in Portland. (You may noticed the very-infrequently-updated "events" portion of this page still reflects that.)

While it isn't quite the same as Barney's movie, it is short (under 8 minutes). It's also informative and pretty entertaining, and somehow I find myself with a ton of screen time! Who knew?! It's also one of the last recordings of me with hair. Have a look:

Hope you enjoyed it, and if so, go and check out the other movies made by the same crew!

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Very cool, but can you talk if your hands are tied down? :)

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 13 Oct 2009 #permalink

WHY!?!? Why didn't I have physics professors as lucid as you during udergrad!?

Ethan, you are really handsome! Good move losing the hasidic-poodle thing that was going on atop your head, though. Very good move.

By blueshifter (not verified) on 13 Oct 2009 #permalink

You should get your own show, you would probably be a very good host. A good talker, very smart with a tick of madness in it (in a good way :), maybe without the hair you would look more serious.. hmm doubt that on second thought