Weekend Diversion: Conservation of Energy (drinks)

Most of the time, I like to showcase some new music to you, or at least music that's new to me. But this week, I heard an old favorite for the first time in a long time. You're probably familiar with the Violent Femmes, but you may not have heard anything other than Blister in the Sun from them. That's not a bad song, but it isn't their best. Take a listen to Add It Up below and see if you agree:

Those of you who know me personally might know I have a taste for Mike Judge, including his very funny movie Idiocracy. One of the funniest parts of Idiocracy was their all-pervasive energy drink, Brawndo:

Well, look out, Brawndo! Because here comes a possibly superior (fictional) product, Powerthirst!

I can't decide which one I'd rather drink, but I'm sure that either way, I'd be completely unstoppable. Science, energy, electrolytes, aaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhh!

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Same guys, and yeah, these are riotously funny. It's a Canadian comedy group whose name escapes me at the moment (but which I'm sure Google could easily tell you). They did the Powerthirst "ads" as a gag, and when the company decided to actually make Brawndo, they saw them and thought they were so funny they hired the group to make the Brawndo ads in the same style.

Coopting may be an even higher form of flattery than imitation - plus you get paid. :D