Weekend Diversion: Neil Young, Jimmy Fallon, and American Idol

Yes, these three ingredients mixed together amused me more than anything else that happened this week. Don't know what I'm talking about?

American Idol -- kicking off Season 9 -- gave us Pants on the Ground, a song written and performed by a 62 year old man who's sick and tired of seeing these young punks with their pants hanging down where no pants were designed to hang.

Neil Young is one of the all-time great singer/songwriters, as he's taken on everyone from Nixon to Herbert Walker Bush, and has written some of my favorite songs.

But it's the forgotten late-night talk show host, Jimmy Fallon, who put these two together. Here's Jimmy Fallon (in a dead-on Neil Young impression) performing Pants on the Ground.

Consider this a public service announcement, would-be robbers.

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Fucking pull those pants up! Nice weekend post, Ethan. Thanks.

It's pity but the film doesn't work outside of U.S.:(

By mirek.bartold (not verified) on 18 Jan 2010 #permalink

After the Gold Rush, one of my favorites.
Tell Me Why??????

By Anonymous (not verified) on 18 Jan 2010 #permalink

With regard to the n times Jupiter size exoplanets that are being found that are orbiting with periods measured in days(our days), this article implies either 1) The star is so weak that the gaseous atmosphere has not be evaporated or 2) The planet is a very very very large rocky core remanent of a much larger gas giant planet. If so are there any estimates as to the size of the original planet?itunes.com