Weekend Diversion: Eddie Izzard, Star Wars, and Legos

"But with dogs, we do have 'bad dog.' Bad dog exists. 'Bad dog! Bad dog! Stole a biscuit, bad dog!' The dog is saying, 'Who are you to judge me? You human beings who've had genocide, war against people of different creeds, colors, religions, and I stole a biscuit?! Is that a crime? People of the world!'

'Well, if you put it that way, I think you've got a point. Have another biscuit, sorry.'"
-Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard is a funny, funny man. If you haven't seen his stand-up act (especially Circle, IMO), you are missing out. Someone set one of his funniest bits -- the Death Star Canteen -- to Legos, and the results are hilarious.


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