A Strong Argument For The Existence of Dark Matter

"I have given them the last rites, now you do what you will. You are stronger than us, but soon I think they be stronger than you." -Dawn of the Dead

Here at Starts With a Bang, one of the things I'm passionate about is putting forth all sorts of different pieces of evidence for dark matter, and trying to help you piece together a coherent picture of how the Universe works.

But every once in a while, something comes along to derail me. I'm not going to let that happen today, though. From showing you how two colliding galaxy clusters interact, separating the majority of protons, neutrons, and electrons from the majority of the gravitational effects, we certainly know that something well beyond normal matter with standard gravity is going on.

Well, let's take a look at what large scale structure has to offer! There's nothing that's going to stop me from telling you this story.

Hang on just a sec, there's a knock on my door. It's Scicurious from Neurotopia; she looks a little different today. She has something to tell me.

(Image Credit: Jjjhnnxxzzz hnngghh!)

Hhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnggggggghhhhhhhh! Nnngghhhzzznnn hgng hgnn zgnxgn. Znngxbx znnn?


Gnggnzxss bxnsz hhngh. Ggngh gnnnh zgnbbs. Kmnxpnz hghnhg zzs!

Fgnzx gnshnszx nhssszznba! Kpfraans fdks hnggh. Hnggh! Hnggh!

Hnggnh pnzzhgx hhnaszxhgh.


Mnhnhzx mpdsmnxxzgh nhnghm pffapgsz gnahgh. Pmmhnx?

Pwwwwwrrr! Pwwwrrrr spccttrrmm!

Hngh hnnngxz prnsasss.

Nndx mpmdxz prrn? Brxfgh gnhtp phtnpsxz.

Gnnxlzxnxz clsrtstssr! Nnggghh.

Nnnnngh. ZNXX! Mnntsnxz nfhgx.

Mnnhz ghts prw. Ngh brnsz. Brnsz! BRNSZ!


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Yeah! I'm convin... I mean, grrrbghgh hrrmmmnn!

By Lotharloo (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

Yes, I understand "hghnhg zzs Mnntsnxz " but that still doesn't explain to me why "hghnhg zzs" in a "Gnnxlzxnxz clsrtstss" seem to lack dark matter individually.

Daily Lurker, aka, UUS BRNSZ!, understood everything except how to find the cheese.

By ThirtyFiveUp (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

From the bullet cluster collision, it seems there was a substantial reduction in the amount of Dark Matter associated with the galaxies involved in the collision.

Did this reduction in the amount of DM result in a slowdown of the rotational speeds in the outer parts of the galaxies involved.

If so, to what extent (assuming it's possible to measure at all).

By Alan Langley (not verified) on 01 Jul 2010 #permalink

I dont get it. But thats the norm for me when I visit Scienceblogs!