Throwback Thursday: Remembering Neil Armstrong (Synopsis)

“Geologists have a saying: rocks remember.” -Neil Armstrong

45 years ago, the Apollo 11 mission was on its way away from planet Earth and headed towards the Moon, where the first human beings would set foot on the surface just a few days later.

Image credit: NASA / Apollo 11, photo by Neil Armstrong. Image credit: NASA / Apollo 11, photo by Neil Armstrong.

Back in 2012, the very first man on the Moon, Neil Armstrong, left this world for good. But the impact he had, and what he left behind, are worth remembering, even for those of us who weren't yet alive to remember it firsthand.

Image credit: NASA. This is the official NASA / Apollo 11 mission photo of Neil Armstrong, first man on the Moon. Image credit: NASA. This is the official NASA / Apollo 11 mission photo of Neil Armstrong, first man on the Moon.

The man may be gone, but up on the Moon, his steps still remain. Go read the whole thing.

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Hey, that's my favorite picture too! i had a poster of it hanging in my room.

By rich rutishauser (not verified) on 19 Jul 2014 #permalink