Only In It For The Gold

As ever, Michael Tobis's thoughts are well worth reading.

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Michael Tobis is always worth reading, but he has a particularily well done essay up on Gristmill about some of the deeper implications and causes of the current global food crisis. Visit his post about it here, and after bookmarking his site, click through to the Gristmill article he has linked. I…
Well, Goggle reader is a great tool, but it sure has a way of shaming you when you let your daily reading slip...especially for a couple of weeks. Of course I subscribe to many other blogs and feeds. but Michael Tobis' In It for the Gold is not one I like to just "mark all as read" when I get…

If you change "global warming theory" in the post for "evolution theory", then you've got an accurate description of the creationists' strategy and behaviour.