More snow

Yet more snow. This lot only just settled; moderately thick, but turned to slush later in the day. In particular, the puddle of dirty roadside slush I feel into was cold and wet. But along the footpath it was still beautiful:


This is to prove to Jules that the UK isn't all bad.

CSR is less enchanting, but even so the symmetry is appealing.


As to ENSO... hmm. Don't get your hopes up.


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By Phil Hays (not verified) on 23 Feb 2010 #permalink

Obviously, snow followed by a quick melt at this time of year is clearly a sign that global warming is a hoax!

[It has been rather snowy here, but there hasn't been much "snow => no GW". Possibly because of the rather public Canadian Olympics lack of snow stuff -W]

By Rattus Norvegicus (not verified) on 23 Feb 2010 #permalink

How inconsiderate of those two cars on the left to have parked facing in the wrong direction.

By Heraclitus (not verified) on 24 Feb 2010 #permalink

>"As to ENSO... hmm. Don't get your hopes up."

Wasn't sure what that meant. Hopes of withering or hopes of record temps based on continuing El Nino.

Now new data on SOI and MEI are out, it doesn't look like El Nino is withering rapidly.

[No, hopes of me saying anything useful about it :-) -W]

>"[No, hopes of me saying anything useful about it :-) -W]"

Ah. Then it is a shame my comment got caught in your spam filter. I was saying that while temps might be falling in SD terms it might not be falling rapidly. A kelvin wave helping out and ocean atmosphere coupling finally getting going in the right location.

That might have looked quite sensible and a little ahead of the recent data though I wasn't predicting such a significant rise in SD terms as occured. Shame I put too many links in it.

I am much less sure what happens now but I am betting against rapid transition to La Nina.

But there is more interesting betting stuff at