One of those cosmic coincidence thingies ...

On Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after one in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. Celebrate as you see fit. With cowbell. More cowbell.

HT to Burt H.

More like this

And then off to Europe for the 4th of May celebration!

By fred ludd (not verified) on 02 Apr 2006 #permalink

Foo! What a nutty way of describing the date that puts the most significant digits *last* :)

I'd say the date is 2006-04-05, 'cause there's no ambiguity there. 04/05/06 could be any of three different dates, depending on where you are.


There will be NO ambiguity on 06:06:06 06/06/06! What will you being doing on Pure Evil Day? Celebrate as you see fit: with even MORE cowbell!

This only means something if you live at 789 10th Street.


Oddly enough, while I was glancing at my pictorial calendar at work today, I realized Wednesday is 04/05/06. I didn't factor in the significance of 01:02:03 though.

Rolling with pough's diabolical tangent for a moment, 20th Century Fox is releasing a remake of "The Omen" (why???) on 06/06/06 with the tagline "His day will come." The marketing for the movie may be calculated, but it isn't that clever. What happens when 06/07/06 rolls around? Travis Shredd and the Good Ol' Homeboys showed far more imagination when they named one of their songs "668: The Neighbor of the Beast."

By Sean Storrs (not verified) on 04 Apr 2006 #permalink