On blogging

Regular browsers will note that things have gone very quiet here over the past few weeks. Truth be told, I'm a little burned out with the whole blogging thing and need time to re-evaluate and decide whether this is something I want to keep doing (either here at Scienceblogs or elsewhere). Hopefully, I'll figure things out sooner rather than later.

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A man's gotta do........

Suspend your blog, and wait till something either pisses you off or inspires you enough to write about it.

I do enjoy the Arizona flavor of this blog tho.

Yeah, I was really feeling the burn a couple of weeks ago. A break improved things a bit, but I'm still a little less enthused than I'd like to be.

I've got a feeling we're starting to discover the 1/2 life for bloggers.

Oh, no!
Don't tell me the flame in the Arizona beacon is dying out!

I'm basically new to the blogging scene, although some years back I used to write in forums a lot, but became a little burnt out by it. So I pace myself as far as this blogging thing goes.

Personally, I enjoy your writing, the varied topics you write about and your perspective. I drop by here daily to see what's happening. This blog is an opportunity for you to share and teach a wider audience. Thank you for taking the time to create this blog and I hope you decide to continue.

oh, please don't stop...I do enjoy your writing, even if I don't comment a lot...

yours is one of the few scienceblogs I have bookmarked and visit regularly...

By CanadianChick (not verified) on 06 Jul 2008 #permalink

Running a good blog takes a lot of work, especially if done by one person. (One of several reasons why I don't.)

You might consider acquiring at least one and preferably several other people interested in similar topics. From watching a lot of blogs it seems that small team efforts keep interest going with less likelihood of burnout. A few individuals manage to keep high quality blogs going a long time, including actually responding to comments and keeping trolls down ... But it's obviously hard and time consuming for anyone with a real job.

At the other extreme, if there are too many owners and posters a blog can get so diluted. As to not be useful.

By John Mashey (not verified) on 07 Jul 2008 #permalink

I know just how you feel. My solution has been to dial back the amount of posting I do, and to not worry so much every time the visitation stats take a dip. I hope you'll decide to keep blogging.

Why not leave the site active and just blog when you feel like it? I stop by here regularly and will continue to do so as long as the URL is alive.

Also I second John Mashey's comment at #9.
How does PZ do it I wonder?

As many others have said, I've been there for a while John.

Bora, you're absolutely right. I've finally gotten to a place where I can blog (like I actually have the time) and the drive just isn't there at all.

Time to take a break without the guilt and see what the fall brings.

Permission requested and permission denied Dr. Lynch. Where else on earth shall I find my Monday mustelids?