Apparently Nisbet thinks we should desist from pointing out what a fiasco this whole affair has been for the supporters of Expelled. Apparently he thinks this is helping the enemy. He also thinks Dawkins and Myers should return to their seat at the back of the bus. Perhaps that might be true about "new atheism" (and I have stated my views on that before), but this isn’t about atheism. It is about a dumb move that was made by Mark Mathis and the supporters of Expelled. It is about how they are spinning their stupidity through lies and mistruths. It is about how their dumb little movie twists…
This freaks Phil Plait out. I think it’s cool. Source with biggie here.
The Expelled boyos seem to be tightening up their act. Now you can’t RSVP for future events all of which have been removed from the list. Compare this (yesterday) with this. There’s a screening scheduled for Harkins Arizona Mills at 7pm on April 3rd. I RSVPed last night and got the following in reply: Dear John Lynch, This is a confirmation of your RSVP for the free "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" movie screening.Venue information is below. Theater: Harkins Arizona Mills 5000 Arizona Mills Circle Tempe, AZ 85281 Date: April3 Time:7:00 PM Number of seats reserved: 1 YOUR NAME WILL BE ON A…
[H/T to Crooks and Liars]
Phil Plait on the reductio ad Hitlerum that is central to Expelled!: For the producers of this movie to continue this Big Lie tying evolution and Nazis together is an irony almost too big to comprehend, given that this is precisely how Nazi propaganda worked. In a rich field of creationist ironies, this may be the elephant in the room. They are projecting onto their enemies the very thing they are guilty of. For Ben Stein to go to concentration camps and promote creationism is beyond the pale. It’s a lie, it’s ugly, and it should spark universal condemnation from every thinking human on the…
Truth: This was a private screening with no admission charge, and you had to reserve seats ahead of time; you also had to sign a promise that you wouldn’t record the movie while you were there, and they were checking ID. Everyone in my family reserved seats under our own names, myself included. There was no attempt to "sneak in" [emphasis mine] Lie: Others may be crashing because they want to trash it before it even gets reviewed by the media. P.Z. Myers, who was not let into a showing last night in Minnesota, probably falls in the latter category. No surprises. Myers (and Dawkins) did not…
I have only one student completing an honors thesis with me this semester. Congratulations are due to Jes Joganic for successfully defending her thesis (An examination of the factors contributing to the development of posterior plagiocephaly in infants) this afternoon, a thesis that one colleague described as the best undergraduate research he had ever encountered. Moments like this make it all worthwhile.
Looking for the Ox Searching through tall endless grass,Rivers, mountain ranges, the path trails off.Weary, exhausted, no place left to hunt:Maples rustle, evening, the cicada’s song. K’uo-an (trans. Stanley Lombardo) [image source]
This is absolutely hilarious. After all, who is more famous? This guy .... or this guy
Ben Stein recently met with Ken Ham, prompting Mark Looy (an Answers in Genesis drone) to effusively declare: the brilliant Ben Stein, actor/economist/lawyer/presidential speechwriter/science observer-a 21st-century Einsteinian figure ... told Ken that he was aware of the "wonderful" facility near Cincinnati and hoped to visit one day No comment.
Births 1640 - Philippe de la Hire, French mathematician and astronomer 1905 - Thomas Townsend Brown, American scientist 1907 - John Zachary Young, British biologist Deaths 1907 - Marcellin Berthelot, French chemist
Hairy-nosed otter Lutra sumatrana Gray 1865.
Events 1950 - Researchers announce the creation of Californium. Births 1870 - Horace Donisthorpe, British entomologist 1881 - Walter Rudolf Hess, Swiss physiologist and Nobel Prize laureate 1931 - David Peakall, British scientist Deaths 1764 - George Parker, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield, English astronomer 1846 - Friedrich Bessel, German mathematician and astronomer 1853 - Christian Doppler, Austrian physician and mathematician 1956 - Irene Joliot-Curie, French physicist and Nobel Prize laureate 1983 - Haldan Keffer Hartline, American physiologist and Nobel Prize laureate
Events 1867 - Publication of an article by Joseph Lister outlining the discovery of antiseptic surgery. Births 1750 - Caroline Herschel, German-born English astronomer 1789 - Georg Simon Ohm, German physicist 1794 - Ami Boué, Austrian geologist 1834 - James Hector, Scottish geologist 1851 - Martinus Beijerinck, Dutch microbiologist and botanist 1918 - Frederick Reines, American physicist and Nobel Prize laureate 1937 - Amos Tversky, Israeli psychologist Deaths 1935 - John James Richard Macleod, Scottish-born physiologist and Nobel Prize laureate 1998 - Derek Harold Richard Barton,…
John Wilkins and I have been at the Edges and Boundaries of Biological Objects workshop here in Salt Lake City for the past few days. John live-blogged some of the talks, so you may want to check his posts out. Lots of interesting stuff was discussed about populations (here and here), the fossil record (here), ecosystems (here and here), system dynamics and boundaries (here and here), DNA bar-coding (here and here), species, rank-free classification, and homology. All in all some really thought-provoking ideas that will take me a good while to digest. Discussions are likely to continue at the…
Events 2004 - Announcement of the discovery of 90377 Sedna, the farthest natural object in the Solar system so far observed. Births 1713 - Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, French astronomer 1813 - John Snow, English epidemiologist 1821 - Johann Josef Loschmidt, Austrian scientist 1854 - Emil Adolf von Behring, German physician and Nobel Prize laureate 1920 - E. Donnall Thomas, American physician and Nobel Prize laureate 1925 - Bert Bolin, Swedish meteorologist 1930 - Zhores Ivanovich Alferov, Russian physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Deaths 1898 - Henry Bessemer, English metallurgist 1951 -…
A Cow Mourning For Her Calf Oft at some consecrated altar-side,Where fragrant incense burns, a calf lies slain,And from his breast breathes out the warm life-tide:But the lone mother, o’er the grassy landFar ranging, sees his cloven hoof-prints plain,And leaves with roving eyes no spot unscannedFor her lost young, and fills with lowings wildThe shady wood; then tireless turns againTo the bare stall, sore stricken for her child.Naught can the dewy grass, or tender leaf,Or brimming river-bank, once fondly known,Avail to bannish that o’er-mastering grief;Nor by the sight of other calves,…
Events 1942 - John Bumstead and Orvan Hess became the first in the world to successfully treat a patient, Anne Miller, using penicillin. Births 1835 - Giovanni Schiaparelli, Italian astronomer 1854 - Paul Ehrlich, German scientist and Nobel Prize laureate 1862 - Vilhelm Bjerknes, Norwegian physicist 1879 - Albert Einstein, German-born physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Deaths 1995 - William Alfred Fowler, American physicist and Nobel Prize laureate
Events 1781 - William Herschel discovers Uranus. 1925 - Scopes Trial: A law in Tennessee prohibits the teaching of evolution. 1930 - The news of the discovery of Pluto was telegraphed to the Harvard College Observatory. Births 1720 - Charles Bonnet, Swiss naturalist and writer 1733 - Joseph Priestley, English scientist 1855 - Percival Lowell, American astronomer 1899 - John Hasbrouck van Vleck, American physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Deaths 1773 - Philibert Commerçon, French naturalist and explorer 1990 - Bruno Bettelheim, American psychiatrist
Births 1824 - Gustav Kirchhoff, German physicist 1835 - Simon Newcomb, American astronomer and mathematician 1838 - William Henry Perkin, English chemist 1863 - Vladimir Vernadsky, Russian mineralogist 1880 - Henry Drysdale Dakin, British-American biochemist 1881 - Gunnar Nordström, Finnish physicist 1907 - Dorrit Hoffleit, American astronomer 1925 - Leo Esaki, Japanese physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Deaths 1991 - Ragnar Granit, Finnish neuroscientist and Nobel Prize laureate