
A Week of Science starts tomorrow. I've loaded up an aggregator blog at, but the best place to follow things will be via RSS,
I've been sick. Flu. That's why I haven't been posting. I will be posting again soon. But I am taking time out to post something right now, because having a blog means having a place to vent. 1) 2.5 weeks ago I ordered a piece of hardware from amazon 2) The hardware did not work 3) I called amazon, they said they'd replace it immediately 4) The replacement did not arrive 5) I called, and they explained (Amazon) that the item was now on backorder 6) When I had my item replaced they assured me that the item was not on back order 7) OK, so I told them to give me a refund, I needed the hardware…
Pretty cool. Via Afarensis. I am:Arthur C. Clarke Well known for nonfiction science writing and for early promotion of the effort toward space travel, his fiction was often grand and visionary. Which science fiction writer are you?
Tonight The Reveres are putting on their party clothes and headed for Jordan Barab's place, Confined Space. Doors open from 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time. Truthfully, this party is also a wake, because Jordan is closing up shop tonight and has invited everyone over (that means you, too) to celebrate his last post. We'll be gathering in the Comment Thread. That's the bad news. Here's the good news. Jordan is closing the blog because he has a new job on Capitol Hill (for the non-Americans, that's where our legislative branch is located), working for the Committee on Education and…
John Wilkins has a long post on species concepts.
RPM and Chris have hit most of the points in regards to the Just Science project. To be short, what it's not about is anti-science. Just one week, that's all. It certainly isn't about traffic or comment response. It isn't about ease of posting, expressing a clever opinion, but rather a tight exposition of a difficult concept. And it isn't about any one blogger, and it isn't about you, it's about science. Myself, I don't have the marginal time to spend writing one deep scientific post a day, so I'm putting things in the queue right now. I'm going to set up Just Science as an aggregator…
A Week of Science. More later (I'm on board obviously)....
It almost got by us, but we noticed it just in time. Nominations for the 2006 Koufax Awards are now open over at Wampum. For those on the Port (left) side of the blogosphere, the Koufax Awards are the most important credit we can obtain. We have been nominated all of our blog years and were a Finalist last year (SciBling PZ at Pharyngula won the Best Expert Blog and our friend Jordan Barab at Confined Space won the Best Single Issue Blog, both richly deserved), but we did well and we are always pleased to be in such good company. We have a real chance this year, because there will be no…
OK, folks. Voting ends tomorrow night, January 14 at midnight PST. We're doing pretty well, although everyone in both the categories we were nominated in is being crushed by the NHS Blog. Still we wouldn't mind coming in second or third, so if you have an inclination, give us your vote. Voting is easy. The good folks over at Medgadget have established these awards for the best of the medical blogosphere and we were nominated for Best Medical Weblog 2006 and Best Health Policies/Ethics Weblog 2006. There are some truly outstanding blogs in the various categories, including several of my…
Two kinds of good news for anyone interested in safeguarding the public's health. Let's divide it between the message and the messenger. The message: The National Research Council (one of the four constituent parts of the National Academies of Science) just issued a major smackdown of one of the Bush Administration's pet projects, the assault on any regulation that might harm the corporate status quo. The specific policy given a blunt thumbs down by the NRC was the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) of the White House Office of Management and Budget's bulletin to establish…
Via Retrospectacle.
Effect Measure is pleased to say we have been nominated in two categories for a Medblog award. The good folks over at Medgadget have established these awards for the best of the medical blogosphere and we were nominated for Best Medical Weblog 2006 and Best Health Policies/Ethics Weblog 2006. There are some truly outstanding blogs in the various categories, including several of my SciBlings (Respectful Insolence, Aetiology, The Examining Room of Dr. Charles, and GrrlScientist (now renamed Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted)). Voting for your favorite blog is an easy way to…
The Reveres get a lot of emails from folks who think their issue is worthy of mention on Effect Measure. For the most part, they are right, and the only reason for not mentioning them is the time and attention span of The Reveres. One of the privileges of blogging is the blogger gets to set the agenda. Periodically I get emails from someone who feels very passionately about the harm being done to military personnel by mandatory anthrax vaccination. I've even blogged about it on occasion (on the old site, here, here, here and here), and I think there are some serious public health issues…