
Regular readers know that I'm really into smokin' hot sauces. I mean real hot. I'm the guy who the chefs at the local Thai restaurant know well enough to get their habanero paste ready for the medium rare steak flank. I'm the guy who checks out the local organic or Mexican grocery store for habanero sauce that's not very debased with tomato extract and other vegetable additives to make it palatable for mortals. Well, I got tired of this. I've decided I'm going to try and obtain a wholesale quantity of really spicy hot sauce to last me for years, I'm tired of running out, I'm tired of…
I really don't know what to think of this. Did you catch Zach Braff debating CATO's Will Wilkinson? Either Scrubs isn't doing so well, or Robert Wright is so big that semi-intellectual actors want to get aboard with
Is the technorati link tracking widget worth it for the slower load times? Yay or nay?
A new meme about "10 weird things about me" has started on ScienceBlogs, so I'll bite.... 1) I love shrimp more than any other food. 2) I love to hate goat cheese more than any other food. 3) I liked Car Voltron more than Lion Voltron. 4) I had difficulties with gendered pronouns until 2nd grade, and still occasionally make errors. This is possibly the result of the fact that I did not speak much English before the age of 5, and the language that I did speak lacks gendered pronouns (word of advice, do not refer to 6 year old girls as "he," they don't appreciate it). 5) I've read various…
Most of you know I'm not very into politics...but I do have two political weblogs in my RSS which pound it hard, Matt Yglesias on the "Left" and Daniel Larison on the "Right."1 I humbly request that Robert Wright have these two face off on Blogging Heads, just to see if English will allow them to communicate in any intelligible manner (please note, Ross Douthat over at The American Scene reads and is read by both, so there is only one degree of separation). 1 - Quotations are for two reasons...Matt Yglesias has sometimes stated that he wishes he lived in he could be a European…
Every time I post something here about those bastards at the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and their record company cronies I get a comment about how a teenie downloading music is a thief. Those poor movie producers and record companies! Mugging victims. Look over on the left sidebar at the badge under the blogroll. You'll see we are licensed under a Creative Commons license. The license I chose has some of my rights reserved, but allows anyone to: Share -- to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, or to Remix -- to make derivative works But only under the following…
Bora sayeth: Are you sure? How can a hierarchical, Chain-of-Being, authoritarian, sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, religious ideology be 'normal' when it does not understand the world correctly? Isn't it maladaptive to hold erroneous views of nature (and human nature) and try to organize societies to fit that view instead of trying to organize societies in synch with our best understanding of the way the world really works? (mild typos fixed) There's so much I could say, and yet I will leave it without a word....
For those of you who don't know, check out, which has an archive of all the South Park episodes. I don't own a TV mostly because most of the stuff is crap but still compulsively addictive...but the great thing about South Park is that I enjoy 80-90% of the episodes, so there is a good chance that I won't waste my time.
A Week of Just Science just finished up, and to all those who participated, I say bravo! The stipulation to post only science and at least one item of meaty substance per day was straining for many of us, and life intervenes and not everyone could hit their quota. But that's fine, the point wasn't to hit some magical number or achieve a quantitative threshhold of posts. Rather, we wanted to ask what we asked and see how people responded, and I was personally rather pleased. The Just Science website will be "frozen" for the next year, until next February when the aggregator will fire up…
The far right smear machine against John Edwards has moved into territory close to home: attacking Edwards by attacking his newly hired bloggers, Amanda Marcotte (of Pandagon fame) and Melissa McEwan (from the equally eminent Shakespeare's Sister). The big media (cable news of all stripes, AP and New York Times) are reporting it just as it comes off the far right tickertape, as usual. It's not an accident that Amanda and Melissa are noted and notable progressive feminist bloggers. Not an accident unless you believe in the tooth fairy, anyway. Why is in the Sermonette? Because the thin end of…
I hope you've been checking out the Just Science site this week. If you haven't, I recommend the RSS feed, for ease of browsing. In any case, I just want to announce that I'm shutting down the feeds Sunday night at 9 PM PDT. The site will then be frozen in that form until next year, when we'll do this again. Thanks to everyone who participated, and I hope you've been enjoying the posts. If you haven't had time to check everything out, you know where to go for the next year to browse them. Below the fold I've placed the URLs for all the participating…