
Now, if you want to see some real technique, check out this video at Living the Scientific Life.
What the heck has this world come to? All over the internet, this picture of an Orangutan trying to fish with a stick has been shown: But what's the story behind this? Is this evidence that humans are not unique among the Great Apes as tool-users? Not quite. According to the Daily Mail, this is an orangutan that had extensive exposure to humans; this jungle setting is actually where they reintroduce orangutans into the wild from zoos, private homes and (yikes) butcher shops. This particular orangutan actually doesn't successfully know how to fish; this was something he copied from nearby…
Opener This is one of the few Fishing Openers for which I've stayed in the Twin Cities since moving to Minnesota. Before moving to Minnesota, I had never heard of a thing called an "opener" before. Well, I had heard of openers, but they were tools used to open beers in the days before they figured out that if you left the bottle cap just a little loose, beer drinkers could twist the cap off without the tool ... the opener. But that's another story entirely. But, even though I usually have been outstate (up north) for the Opener in previous years, it was never really because it was…
... So, time to get some gear together. Let's see. I need some new line, a couple of new lures, I'm hoping to get a musky rod (if I can find one on sale...). Let's see, what else.... How about a New Boat!?!? OK, that's a good one. A little small, but it should do. But we have to be very very careful about how we lower it down into the water.... Whoa! (Hey, who's that guy sitting up there in the stern??? Man, this is going take a bit of work to clean up....
I woke up to an icky world this morning. After painfully clearing my lungs and scarfing down some medication, I scanned the TV channels for news. and the blogosphere for inspiration. The TV was giving me mainly god, while the blogosphere was giving me measles, pandemics, murdered sea lions, and this poor eagle with its beak snapped off. TV land was still in it's pre-day stage (which runs an hour later here in the Midwest). Therefore, fully half or more of the stations were busy peddling Christianity. I learned that it was easier to accept faith and know that God has a plan than to…
Welcome to the eleventh and by far the most important, although surprisingly the most poorly formatted, installment of Carnival of the Blue. Before we get down to the watery, salty, and sometimes rubbery details, we wanted to take a moment to ponder the significance of Zooillogix's role as host of the eleventh COB. Why not the fifth or the ever popular tenth? Why not the second or maybe seventh, sixth, eighth, ninth or third? Well, according to, "If ten is the number which marks the perfection of Divine order, then eleven is an addition to it, subversive of and undoing that…
In keeping with our nautically themed posts (perhaps a teaser for April's upcoming "Carnival of the Blue," hosted by none other than yours truly the Fabulous Flying Bleiman Brothers), we bring you this story: Scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) at Wood's Hole are attempting to train fish to do the stupidest thing possible, catch themselves in nets when beckoned by fishermen. Listening to U2 makes me want to "self-exterminate," perhaps the scientists should try that? The idea is to train captured or farm raised black sea bass to associate a loud tone with feeding time.…
As spring approaches, so does fishing opener. My tackle is at the cabin. I'll go there soon and begin preparations, stopping at the Mule Lake Store to pick up a fresh License. The following is the preliminary draft of my list of things to do. This list includes both things to do in preparation, as well as New Year of Fishing Resolutions. To Do List: Take everything out of the tackle boxes and put it all back in, organized. <\li> Throw out all the bits of live (now dead) bait and other bits of unrecognizable organic matter.<\li> Cut the second and third hooks off of…
For years, environmentalists have been worried about the overfishing of white marlin. However, studies have shown white marlin populations to be low, but not perilously so. A recent petition to put the white marlin on the endangered species list was even turned down. It turns out that a significant portion of the "population" of white marlin is not white marlin at all, but a newly identified species called a roundscale spearfish, which bears a stunningly close resemblance to their whiter, more marliny brethren. These elderly gentlemen might not be so smiley if they knew that they were…