Frankfurt through my eye

tags: Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Mikroskop, travel, cities, sculpture, image of the day Mikroskop. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 March 2010 [larger view] This is a sculpture that is located outside the front door to the building where I have been spending most of my days, writing. A close look at where this microscope is pointed shows that it is focused on Edinburgh, the home of my Sb colleague and friend, geologist Chris Rowan. It also happens to be the seat of Scottish Parliament.
tags: Max-Planck Institut für Biophysik, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Rote Tulpe mit gelbem Auge, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day Rote Tulpe mit gelbem Auge. Max-Planck Institut für Biophysik, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 25 March 2010 [larger view] Here's one photograph of the red-and-yellow tulips I saw at the Max-Planck Institute a few days ago. Unfortunately, the weather has not cooperated since, so even though I've photographed these flowers daily since then, none of those images captured what I wish to show to you. But this photograph isn't too…
tags: Nordwestzentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Gelbe Wolken, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day Gelbe Wolken. Nordwestzentrum Open Air Market, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 3 March 2010 [larger view] When I saw these brilliant lemon yellow flowers, I was immediately captivated. I took half a dozen photographs, trying to capture the fluffiness and the brilliant yellow color of the flowers and contrast that against the dark background as well as the sharp edges of the green leaves. I don't think I succeeded at this, but this is still a nice image to look…
tags: Nordwestzentrum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Beobachten Sie, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day Beobachten Sie. Nordwestzentrum Open Air Market, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 3 March 2010 [larger view] This was one of hundreds of cut flowers that I photographed at the Nordwestzentrum Open Air Market one particularly sunny morning. I knew I had a winner when I was looking at the flowers through the view finder, but the sunlight was strong and bleached some of the colors (although not in this image!). Despite my crappy German, it was rather obvious that…
tags: Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Armeen von Schokoladenhasen, easter, springtime, holidays, photography Armeen von Schokoladenhasen. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 March 2010 [larger view] Easter is coming, and vast armies of chocolate bunnies are massing in the grocery stores, waiting to invade your homes and waistlines.
tags: Max-Planck Institut für Biophysik, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Quaken Crocus, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day Quaken Crocus. Max-Planck Institut für Biophysik, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 March 2010 [larger view] This morning, at the Max-Planck Institute, I photographed some cheerful flowers; brilliant red petals, each with a lemon yellow base .. tulips, I believe, but the lighting was all wrong, so I could not capture what I wished to share with you. I shall return soon to try again. But this "miss" does provide me with the opportunity to…
tags: Max-Planck Institut für Biophysik, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Moosblüten, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day Moosblüten. Max-Planck Institut für Biophysik, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 March 2010 [larger view] I was walking around at the Max-Planck Institute today, enjoying the spring weather and saw these tiny moss flowers growing in the lawn. The grass has not yet awoken, but the moss was happily growing on the moist earth. I wish you were here with me today, to see these tiny flowers with me.
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, PalmenGarten Blüten, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day Rosa Blüte. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view] Today was not very nice, weather-wise, so the spouse and I spent the day hanging out in our favorite bistro, eating, drinking, and working on a few things that we needed to get done. To the causal observer, it probably looked like a wasted day, but for us, it was perfect: it was exactly what we needed.
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, PalmenGarten Blüten, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day Palmengarten Blüten. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view] Today was an absolutely spectacular day! If tomorrow is as amazing, I will be wandering around the hillsides of Germany, looking for slow-moving beings (such as flowers) to photograph so I can share them with you on my humble blog.
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, PalmenGarten Blüte, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day Sicherheit auf höchstem Niveau. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view]
tags: Frankfurt, nebliger Morgen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, cities, travel, environment, image of the day Frankfurt, nebliger Morgen. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view] My friend and colleague, Mike Dunford, is visiting Frankfurt am Main for three days in April (12-14 to be exact). Since I've been digging my way out from under 100 boxes (90 of which are books), I've not been out and about much, so I am seeking help and advice from those of you who know the area around Frankfurt am Main well: if your friend was coming out to visit for a few…
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Tulpe, tulip, nature, environment, image of the day Tulpe. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view]
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Krokus, crocus, nature, environment, image of the day Krokus. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view] This crocus image doesn't capture the purple-ness of the blossom, but I do like the contrast between sharply focused stamens and the softly focused petals.
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Tulpe, tulip, nature, environment, image of the day Tulpe. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view]
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, PalmenGarten Blüte, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day PalmenGarten Herz. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view]
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, PalmenGarten Blüte, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day PalmenGarten Blüte. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view] Here's another pretty flower blossom that I photographed growing in the lawn at PalmenGarten. The flower resembles a buttercup but I am certain it's a different species .. can you tell me what it might be?
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Baumrinde, tree bark, nature, environment, image of the day Baumrinde. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view]
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, flower porn, nature, environment, image of the day Fern Blatt. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view]
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, flower porn, nature, environment, image of the day Palmwedel. PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view]
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, flower porn, nature, environment, image of the day Daffodil PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 24 February 2010 [larger view]