Get your own slogan - just type in your name (or whatever word you want) and click ...The Advertising Slogan Generator does the rest for you. As it did for me - just check the title of this post.
Update: Ha! I knew other sciencebloggers were gonna love this. And here they are, generating their own slogans: Grrrlscientist, PZ and Afaranesis (so far)! And Chris.
Oh, and I did a few more myself:
Try Quail, You'll Like It.
Get In My Bora.
The Cream of Sleep.
The Coolest Circadian on Ice.
I am Stuck on Circadian, 'Cause Circadian's Stuck on Me.
Bet You Can't Eat Clock. now you know. CFeagans, Mike Dunford and Dave S. were the closest to the correct diagnosis in the comments. You should start a car-repair show on NPR, guys!
I also needed - badly - new front tires and alignment. Total cost = St.Peter's scrambled eggs!
Thsi post (and you can always click on the icon to check out the original) was written on April 29, 2005. Those are my observation about the in-class science fair in my daughter's classroom.
Yesterday morning Mrs.Coturnix and I went to Coturnietta's school. Her class had a Science Fair! You can just imagine my excitement - a scientist's daughter's first venture into science!
For two weeks she pestered me to help her with her project, and I did a little bit here and there (using sharp objects when neccessary, for instance, or going to the store and buying supplies she ordered), but in…
Since everyone is posting about spiders this week, I though I'd republish a sweet old post of mine, which ran on April 19, 2006 under the title "Happy Bicycle Day!" I hope you like this little post as much as I enjoyed writing it:
This week's theme for the Tar Heel Tavern is bicycle. I was wondering what to write about. Perhaps about crazy bicycle rides I had as a kid. Or a fun riff on "fish needing a bicycle". Then, I was saved! Because, today is the Bicycle Day! That's just great, because I can go on a scientific tangent with a local flavor.
If you do not know what Bicycle Day is,…
Via Accidental Blogger, come these truly amazing photos of Hindu ascetics playing soccer. I wish they qualified for the World Cup! On only slightly more serious note, Ruchira Paul has an interesting post on Soccer and Political Theory. Dou you agree with the premise?
Someone made me a possible new banner...
I'm not sure... what do my faithful readers think? Would it make you more likely to read the blog? Or would you rather I just found something interesting to say about science?
Update: I managed to find the code for putting the banner into the header, so lets try it there for size
UUpdate: JF wants blood... I rather sympathise... see the comments
UUUpdate: I've previewing this on a 800x600 laptop. It looks like the banner pushes the seed sidebar to the bottom... oops
UUUUpdate: Response was overwhelmingly positive, so I've done it. Thanks to Carl Buell…
I've just downloaded Gmail drive for windows. There is a linux version, this is the windows one (shame, I didn't even add a z). Via the medium of sending emails to your google account, it lets you store files remotely. For photos, flickr is more useful :-) but for general files it might be fun. It seems to work.
The last UK census included "Jedi" amongst the various religions, and came out quite highly. So its appropriate to note that today must be Jedi day - May the fourth be with you, ho ho (thanks Phil). Its also a beautiful day here.
Sorry folks, its time for the silly and offensive post! Many years ago, there was a Steve Bell carton, sometime around the Iran-Contra stuff I think, showing a panel of generals or stuff with names like "Peentangler" and the protagonist saying "the thing I really like about America is that you can succeed no matter how silly your name is!". Which is actually a good idea, when you stop and think about it.
Why do I bring this up? Because (via Chris Mooney I discover that there is a senator called "Crapo"! Doesn't "cr*p" mean the same in the US? Seems odd to me. While I'm on this, someone at…