Only The Crumbliest Flakiest Coturnix!

Get your own slogan - just type in your name (or whatever word you want) and click ...The Advertising Slogan Generator does the rest for you. As it did for me - just check the title of this post.

Update: Ha! I knew other sciencebloggers were gonna love this. And here they are, generating their own slogans: Grrrlscientist, PZ and Afaranesis (so far)! And Chris.

Oh, and I did a few more myself:
Try Quail, You'll Like It.
Get In My Bora.
The Cream of Sleep.
The Coolest Circadian on Ice.
I am Stuck on Circadian, 'Cause Circadian's Stuck on Me.
Bet You Can't Eat Clock.


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And you know the definition of "kinky" goes something like "I'm kinky. You're perverted."