tags: farewell from GW, satire, humor, will ferrell, streaming video
Will Ferrell does a splendid farewell imitation of our favorite lame-duck asshole, George Bush [1:31]
tags: Happy Christmas, The Microwave Song, satire, humor, streaming video
This is what happens when you have a bunch of people who are unemployed: they do silly things like this! And it seems this will continue for a long long time since they are not going to have jobs for a long time into the future, either [1:40]
tags: Santa Claus Bailout Hearings, satire, humor, christmas, streaming video
C-SPAN coverage of Santa Claus asking Congress for a financial bailout of the North Pole Gift Giving Industry. If they don't approve his aid package, Christmas may be ruined. [4:34]
tags: Iraq shoe throwing store discount sale, satire, humor, streaming video
And now, just in time for your last-minute christmas shopping needs, Iraq's #1 Discount Shoe Emporium offers a discount on all their slip-on throwing shoes! [1:22]
tags: high fuel prices, funny, humor, parody, streaming video
This odd little streaming video is part of an ad, but the actual footage of the commercial itself seems to suggest -- somewhat tongue-in-cheek -- what life might be like after fuel prices have gone so high that no one can afford to use it [0:51]
Feeling a little down? Unappreciated? Below the fold is a link to the Norwegian compliment generator, along with a few of the Norwegian compliments that I received today.
Behold, The Surrealist Norwegian Compliment generator and a sampling of the compliments I received today;
You have the patience of a trilobite.
Cretins and vermin cannot compare with the depths of your cousins.
Your raw sensuality flusters me as the dog sneezes into the ventilation fan.
Your face is like an imperfectly shaven tennis ball.
The expanse of your intelligence is a void no universe could ever fill.
You have no…
tags: animal christmas, funny, humor, parody, streaming video
This hilarious little video is filled with lots of animals who are wishing you a happy christmas! How can you not watch this? [1:20]
tags: Bailey the SnowDog, funny, humor, pets, dogs, streaming video
This amusing little video features Bailey the snowdog and "Rudolph the Reindeer" by Harry Connick Jr. [2:36]
The cinematographer writes;
I shot this video on VHS-C in my backyard, near Ward, Colorado (8,700' elevation) during a blizzard in the late 1990's; a local weatherman said it was the most measureable snow (if memory serves, it was 54" in 48 hours) from the least amount of moisture ever. Cheers to dogs, and to all those that love them! Please be well and Happy Holidays!!!
tags: Holidays, companion pets, parrots, humor, funny, gift wrapping
Male Hawk-headed (red fan) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, April 2008.
Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view].
I thought you might find this little essay amusing about wrapping gifts when there is a parrot in the house.
How to Wrap Gifts with a Parrot in the House:
Clear large space on table for wrapping your special gifts.
Go to cupboard and collect bag in which gifts are contained, and shut the door.
Open the door and remove bird from cupboard.
Go to closet and retrieve rolls of wrapping paper.…
tags: the doghouse, humor, social commentary, streaming video
I am not a fan of diamonds because they are the single biggest cause of oppression in South Africa, but I am also not much of a fan of dual-bag vacuum cleaners. However, in my case, a parrot would make an acceptable "get out of the doghouse" gift [4:45]
This amusing essay is making the rounds on the intertubes (as usual) this year, so I had to share it with you.
Sweet Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes with Gravy
Green Beans
Cranberry Sauce
Hot rolls and Butter
Relish tray
Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream
Hot Coffee
Get up early in the morning and have a cup of coffee. It's going to be a long day, so place your parrot on a perch nearby to keep you company while you prepare the meal.
Remove parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch.
Prepare stuffing, and remove parrot from edge of stuffing bowl and…
tags: Thanksgiving holiday, Snoopy, Chales M Schulz, humor, comedy, streaming video
If you are like me, you do not have a television, so you are missing all the special holiday programming. This sweet video is a late one created by the late, great Charles M. Schulz about celebrating Thanksgiving on a ping-pong table. Of course, it includes really fine jazz as background music -- does anyone know who wrote and performed the background music and how I can get it? [20:18].
If that video was deleted by YouTube, this one probably survived, because it is a condensed version [4:55];
tags: Thanksgiving Turkey, I Will Survive, Gloria Gaynor, humor, satire, streaming video
While you are sitting around, licking your chops while watching your mother do all the cooking, this amusing streaming video reveals that your turkey was busy too: this is a Thanksgiving turkey's response to overfed Americans everywhere [1:14].
tags: cartoon, humor, funny, pets, cats
Image: XKCD.
I am staying with a cat named Jack in Helsinki, and of course, this means I am redicovering something about cats I'd forgotten, but this phenomenon is well-established scientifically, as you can see from the graph above.
tags: extreme bird watching, humor, satire, streaming video
This streaming video is a hilarious look at bird watching and bird watchers themselves -- in this video, you will meet such luminaries as Rodney "Swamp Sparrow" Sinclair, Tanya "Titmouse" Slippers, Leo "The Loon" Cantarell and Warren "Dodo" Morgan [2:36].
So dear readers, which birder most resembles you? I think I am most like "Swamp Sparrow" Sinclair: Judgment Day is coming for birders!
tags: humor, funny, WTF, Detective Mittens, streaming video
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meowmeow meow meow -- meow meow?? [3:50].
Okay, I was slightly distracted by my Seattle visit and lost track of the Parody Wars, which are being fought with an evil scientist who resides in Finland. This scientist sent an attack across the ocean this past week, thinking that he can scare me into submission with videos of William Shatner singing a variety of songs (yes, this is scary, I'll admit), or Britney Spears singing "Satisfaction" (even worse that Shatner), or a variety of other assaults included in his fuselade. However, I claim the ultimate victory with this truly terrifying video that tops everything he could possibly think…
tags: politics, election, debates, Sarah Palin, the sad truth, humor
Did anyone see what was written on Sarah Palin's index card that she had with her at last night's debate? It appears that, in her excitement to hold a baby so she could score some "hockey mommy" points with the electorate, she forgot her little card on her podium where the janitor later found it. What was on that card? See below;
Image: ph33 and loathing [larger view].
tags: death by parody, python trek, humor, funny, streaming video
Oh, okay, I see how this is war is being fought! The truly evil scientist from across The Pond has begun cheating by launching a second satirical attack that introduces other characters into the fray! Oh, HO! In view of this egregious war crime, I have no choice but to escalate this war from a limited Shatner Satire conflict into a no-holds-barred all-out War of the Parodies! DEATH BY PARODY! [2:12]